31. Fear

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*Ronnie's POV*

"Sorry for sitting on you." Dan said.

I glared and angrily slapped him across the face. He looked at me, shock and hurt in his face.

"What?!" He asked, touching the red hand print on his face.

"Well first of all, calm the hell down. Goodness! What's wrong with you, mate?" I spat.

"I didn't mean to."

"Dan, you just attacked one of the sweetest souls on the planet earth." I said, referring to Phil.

"I know." Dan said, looking down.

"What's up with my Daniel?" I asked, my face softening. I put my hand on Dan's cheek and he looked at me, his large brown cow eyes sad and distressed.

"I'm worried about my brother, Ronnie. He seems upset and moody lately. I don't know why." Dan explained.

"Maybe it's a growing up thing." I reasoned, not wanting to see Dan cry. It was awful when Dan cried.

"Maybe." Dan said. "I'm sorry for acting like a butt hole."

"I'm sorry for slapping you across the face." I apologized.

He hugged me. I breathed in the nice scent of his cologne and the smell of vanilla. He set his chin on my head. I know he likes it when I fall asleep with my head on his shoulder.

"But for almost killing Phil, I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." I said.

"NOOO!" Dan groaned.

"That's your punishment."

"But I want a different one."

"I know what your rotten mind is thinking, and first eww, and second no."

Dan groaned and squeezed me tighter.

*Madi's POV*

~Later that night~

I was lying in bed with Phil. I decided to stay with him instead of being on my own in our creepy flat. We just might as well live with the guys. I'll bring it up later.

I rolled over and attempted to go to sleep.

I was walking down a dark road by myself. I couldn't find Phil and there were creepy people everywhere. I felt my shoulders being grabbed and I was pulled into and alleyway. I was tied and throw to the ground.

"Who are you?!" I asked, scared for my life.

"Don't you recognize us?" A male voice hissed. Two figures stepped into the light. It was my dad and mom.

"We are going to play a game." My Dad said. I noticed that he had a leather whip by his side. He unraveled it and stood front of me.

"No please!" I begged.

He raised his hand but the blow never came.

"MADI! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes and saw Phil staring into them. He had his hands on my shoulders. The room was how I left it. Me in my shorts and bra and Phil in his PJ bottoms and lion shirt. The green bed spread, Lion on the dresser, everything.

"Ph- Phil." I murmured, placing my hand on his chest.

"I'm here, love. I'm here."

"Protect me." I said, throwing myself at him and burying my face in his chest. I started to sob violently. Phil wrapped his arms around my waist, as we were both sitting up.

"Madi. You need to promise me that you will go to trauma therapy." Phil said.

"I can't go. I don't want to. I don't need to."

"If you have bad dreams that force you to scream and cry in the middle of the night you need to go." Phil said, leaning back.

"But I can't talk about it." I said.

"What if me or Ronnie goes with you? Would that make it better?" Phil asked in a slow, quiet voice.

"Yes Phil." I answered.

"Good. I'll set up an appointment time." Phil said, kissing my forehead.

"I can't afford it, Phil."

"I'm going to pay for it, love. I'll do whatever it takes for you. I'd take a bullet for you. I'd jump in front of a train for you." Phil said, kissing my forehead again as tears slipped out of his beautiful blue eyes.

"I love you Phil. So, so much." I said, starting to cry again.

"Don't cry again, Madi. You need some sleep. Good night, Moose. I love you. " Phil said. I don't know why he calls me Moose now.

"Good night, love." I answered back.

I never let go of Phil and I don't think I ever will.


Thoughts, opinions, comments, suggestions?

I love you all more than I love Cadence R. Trust me. I do.

-Krista \(•_•)/

740 words

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