20. The Light at the End

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*Ronnie's POV*

I ran outside and across the road and found a bench to sit on. I sat there with my head in my hands, sobbing.

Is ever boy in this fricken city a stupid pig? I felt someone's presence next to me. I looked up and saw Dan next to me, looking at me with pain in his eyes and water running down the curve of his beautiful face.

"Looks like we're both in the same boat." Dan told me, the trace of a smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Your knuckles are bruised." I said, looking at his right hand.

"I may or may not have punched Joe in the face." Dan said, holding his right wrist in his left hand.

I felt a wave of joy wash over me. I sat up and wrapped my arms around Dan.

"Thank you." I muttered into his shoulder. I felt him wrap his arm around me too.

"Anything for one of my best friends." Dan said.

*Phil's POV*

The nurse led me into Madi's room. The soft glow of man made lighting made my blood run cold. Then I saw her. My beautiful Madi.

She was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. When she noticed someone in the room, she sat up.

"Hi, Philly."

"Hi Mads." I chocked out. "How are you feeling?"

"I have the worst headache." She said.

"They put her in jail, Madi. She's just lucky I wasn't with you." I said, clenching my fist.

"She cheated on Dan with James." Madi said. My mouth dropped open.

"Ugh. I knew I didn't like that guy for some reason." I said, sinking into the chair beside Madi's bed.

Next thing I know, a dripping Dan and Ronnie walking into the room.

"You guys are wet." Madi said.

"How are you feeling?" Dan asked, walking across the room and hugging Madi, Ronnie behind her.

"I've been better. " She said.

"I'm so sorry this happened, Madi. I'm a crap friend." Dan said, tears slipping.

"It's not your fall you dated a crazy person." Madi said.

"You could have just stay-" I started, but quickly shut my stupid mouth when Madi shot me a look.

I wish Dan and Ronnie were okay again.


Innocent Love :: Phil Lester and Dan Howell x girls fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant