25. My fault?

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*Ronnie's POV*

Phil was still holding his arm out with his phone one speaker. His face contorted and the phone slipped and hit the floor. Grief covered his face and he sank to the floor on his knees, covering his face with his hands and screaming.

I fell forward and Dan caught me and pulled me into a hug. My best friend could be killed. I started to cry into Dan's chest.

Phil shakily stood up and turned on Dan.

"This is all your fault!" Phil yelled running at Dan. I moved and Phil pinned Dan to the wall.

"I'm... sorry....Phil." Dan gasped.

"Phil! Get a F*cking grip on yourself!" I shouted at him.

Phil's eyes widened and backed away from Dan, causing him to stumble. Phil fell in his knees again and started to cry.

"I should've gone with her or held her back." Phil wailed. I sat down next to him and wrapped my arm around him and Dan did the same.

"It's nobody's fault. It just happened." I said.

"It was my fault. I shouldn't have drunk so much and fell into something with Ginger. It's. All. My. Fault." Dan said, crumpling into himself.

"It's nobody's fault. Now, we need a plan." I said.

"We need a video and to call our friends." Dan said shakily. Phil was an obvious mess so I didn't ask him.

"Hey Philly? Can we make a video?" I asked. He nodded solemnly.

I got up and left Dan and Phil to tend to each other and got video equipment ready. I cried there, alone. I needed to be strong for the boy's sake.

I called them in and we sat on Dan's bed. We didn't bother cleaning up.

"Hello everyone. And yes we know we look like garbage. We'd like to announce something." I said looking at Dan. He took the talking to himself.

"Madi has been kidnapped. We don't know where, but it was by Ginger's family. They called us an told us they would kill her if we didn't pay Ginger's very very expensive bail. Phil?" Dan said.

We looked at Phil. He opened his mouth, but a sob came out and he covered his face with his hands.

"If you have any clues or evidence, it would be great. She had gone out to buy milk because we were eating cereal at night. Yes we do that." I said.

After I said that, Phil started to cry again.

"Please look out for any clues." Dan said.

"Thanks." We both said at the same time and turned off the camera.

Phil curled up and proceeded to make a puddle in Dan's bed and I uploaded the video, using the raw footage, to all three of our channels.

Soon, comments came in and the police rang Dan.

-Please don't let her die guys. Please.
-Phil must be heart broken. Look at how miserable he is.
-Need a new girlfriend Phil?
(Cue hate comments here regarding the last comment)
- I saw a milk jug on the corner of Banks and Nash in London. It was broken and there was a grey sparkly flat shoe next to it. Is it her's???

"Guys!" I screamed. "Come here!"

We read the comment again and again. We messaged the girl that commented that and she said the milk was fresh.
Dan called the police back and they went out right away.

One step closer to finding Madi.


This is so bloody intense. Poor Philly ;-;

585 words

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