24. Help Me

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*Madi's POV*

Our little group sat on the floor in the boy's flat that night eating sugar cereal.

"Guys. Bad news." Ronnie said.

"What?" Dan asked, looking at her.

"We're out of milk." She said, freaking out.

"I still have almond milk and stuff in the fridge." Phil said.

"Eww. We're good. I'll just run out and get more." I said, standing and grabbing my purse.

"No. It's night time and I don't want you out alone." Phil said, standing and grabbing my wrist.

"It'll be fine." I said, forcefully.

"No. There are bad things out there." Phil said with equal force.

"Omg Phil. I can defend myself." I almost shouted at Phil.

"I don't want you out there. Now please sit down."

"Phil! You're my boyfriend not my father. Now leave me alone!" I yelled, yanking my arm out of his grip and running for the stairs. I heard his footsteps behind me.

I opened the door and then slammed it back in Phil's face and started down the stairs.

~After the store~

I was on the street walking back down the street with the milk. I was still slightly annoyed with Phil, but he was just looking out for me.

As I thought, I ran into something, or rather, two someones.

"Hello there." One said in a thick northern accent.

"Excuse me." I said politely, trying to walk past the men.

"I'm afraid we can't let you go." The other man said.

One guy grabbed my arm causing me to drop the milk and dragged me into and ally. I felt a strip of something wrapped around my mouth as a gag. The two men threw me into the back of a jeep and I heard the engine roar to life.

•Phil's POV•

I sat back on the couch, rubbing my eyes again. I was sorry for yelling at Madi. If she went I wish I could have at least gone with her. I heard foot steps come into the lounge.

"Phil. Have you called Madi. Her phone isn't working and she's been gone forever." Ronnie said, frowning.

"No I haven't, and come to think of it, she has been gone for a while." I said, grabbing my phone and attempting to call Madi's phone.

All I got was the machine so I left a message.

"Madi, it's Phil. I'm sorry. Please come home. I hope you'll forgive me. I love and miss you. Call back please." I pleaded. I had already started to cry by then.

Ronnie stood in the corner with Dan's arm wrapped around her shoulder.

*Madi's POV*

I opened my eyes and I was in a dimly lit room tied to a chair. I tried to move my legs but they were tied too.

"Help! Help me!" I shouted, tears running down my face. A guy came into the room. He had on jeans and a faded Sleeping with Sirens tshirt on.

"Hey sweetheart. How are you doing?" He asked, leaning down face to face and smiling at me. I scowled and spit in his face.

"Hey." He yelled at me. He brought his hand up and slapped me across the face. My fave stung and my eyes teared up even more.

"Sorry about that love. But I'll need to teach you to behave." The guy said, running a hand up my leg and up my thigh.

"Ben! What the heck do you think you're doing?!" A voice shrieked.

The guy, Ben apparently, took his hand off me and stood up. I stuck my tongue out at him and he cursed. The person who stopped him was wearing high heels and a mini skirt. She also had on a hot pink crop top and a butt load of makeup.

"What do you want from me?!" I yelled struggling.

"You put my sister in jail and now I'll make you pay." The girl said, stepping into the light. She had shocking orange hair.

Of course. She was Ginger's sister.

My phone rang in my pocket and she walked over and yanked it out of my pocket. The caller ID was Phil Lester and his picture came up.

"This your boyfriend?" The girl asked.
I said nothing.

"Let's try again." She said, slapping me in the face, her nails making a claw mark up my cheek. I felt blood.

"Is this your boyfriend?" She asked again. I nodded and she answered.

"Hello, Phil. Yes this is Ginger's sister, Annabelle. I'd like to confirm that we have Madi in our loving care." Annabelle said in a sickly sweet voice.
"By the way, you have 48 hours to give us bail money for Ginger's return or I'm afraid the next time you see your little playmate will be at her wake."

"HELP ME PHIL!" I shouted during Annabelle's speech.

This will be the worst two days of my life.


Crap just hit the fan.

818 words

Innocent Love :: Phil Lester and Dan Howell x girls fanficWhere stories live. Discover now