23. Our song

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*Ronnie's POV*

I woke up on top of the covers of Dan's bed is his University hoodie and a pair of my shorts. I turned over and looked at the sleeping boy next to me and smiled. I never actually hated him. Maybe for a brief minute but that was it.

I rolled sideways off the bed and stood and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my hair. After doing that, I went into the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets. After finding what I was looking for, I turned the stovetop on and put a frying pan down.

I stirred the Delia Smith batter and poured it into the pan. I slipped my earbuds in and listened to "Someone Like you" as I made the pancakes.

As I put the last one on the plate, I felt hands on my waist and butt. I spun around and saw Dan grinning at me. He wore only basketball shorts.

"Good morning, sleeping Beauty." I said. "I was wondering if you were ever going to wake up."

He kissed my cheek and picked up the plate of food and went into the lounge. I grabbed forks and syrup and sugar and followed behind.

Dan turned on the tv and found an episode of Free for us to watch. We ate all the pancakes like the little fatties we are and went back into the bedroom. I sat down at the piano and Dan sat next to me.

"Will you show me how to play "My Immortal" ?" I asked.

"Anything you want." Dan said and placed his hands on the keys.

He began to play and I sang the words softly. (Video above)

I thought about our journey. The path of our relationship. All the bends and wrong turns and the land mine that was Ginger Jackson.

As Dan hit that sweet last note, we smiled at each other and kissed.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Sorry for the crappieness.

335 words.

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