32. Kawaii

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*Madi's POV*

(I don't care about the correct order of Japan. Just don't moan about it.)

In a few days, we were in fact in Tokyo, Japan. It was the day Phil decided to vlog and post. I was in the bathroom putting on my most Japanese outfit which included a Free t-shirt, (If you haven't noticed, I'm addicted to Free. It's an animei.) skinny jeans, black flats, and a large hair bow.

"Madi! Let's go!" Phil shouted from the bedroom.

"I'm finishing my makeup!" I yelled. I put on one last pat of blush, grabbed my messenger satchel, and went to meet Dan and Ronnie in the lobby.

"And these are our Japanese tour guides, Duncan and Memei!" Phil said, pointing his vlogging camera at them.

"Say a traditional hello in Japanese."

Memei introduced herself and Duncan stared at the camera and said hi. Then Phil started explaining how Dan and Duncan looked similar and Memei and I spoke to each other in Japanese.

"I like your shirt. Very Kawaii." Memei complimented.

"Thanks." I said, blushing. I had Haru-chan on my stomach so. Veronica was wearing a Sailor Moon shirt and had her hair in pigtails with red bows. I was best friends with a wannabe sailor.


We were all mindlessly browsing the Pokemon store, trying not to buy everything in sight. I wasn't the biggest fan, but I liked the cute looking ones. I ended up getting some mini plushies and limited edition cards.

After we all paid, we went outside. Phil walked up to me and said, "I got you a present!"

I took the bag that he handed to me and pulled out a soft something. It turned out to be a Squirtle plush. Squirtle was my favorite.

"Oh Philly!" I squealed, hugging him. "Thank you. I love it."

"That's great." Phil answered happily.

I saw Duncan lean over to Dan and heard him comment on how cute we were together.

"Should we go to Club Sega next?" Memei asked, going to stand next to Duncan and Dan went to stand next to Ronnie, who was on her phone. I noticed he looked at her and immediantly looked down.

We doodled around Club Sega and won some crap. And then hit a burger cafe for lunch.

We went to a park with a giant archway too.

"Can we get a picture?" I asked. This involved me and Ronnie on the guy's backs and holding hands in the middle of the arch.

"Ready!" Ronnie yelled. We had Duncan take the picture. After that, Dan collapsed on the ground, taking Veronica with him.

"Dan you weakling." Ronnie teased.

"Shut up." He said, standing and dusting himself off. Ronnie stood up and dusted herself off and we continued on our adventure.


- Krista \(•_•)/

468 words.

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