chapter 60

413 14 1

-july 4th 1985-

-reader's pov-

the car's tires squealed as nancy slammed down onto the the brakes. the car skidded across the parking lot of bradley's big buy before we all piled out of the vehicle. I interlocked my arm around el's shoulder before carefully heaving her to the smashed window, that nancy had destroyed with a large rock she found.

eleven groaned out in pain as I gently led her to a certain aisle, where everyone else had seemed to go to.

"okay, get her down." nancy instructed to me. following her orders, I helped el sit on the floor, "okay, lemme see." nancy rolled up the cuff of el's trousers to reveal her large cut. the sleeve of my shirt had loosened and was barely stuck onto the gaping wound now. blood dripped from the cut and her flesh was clearly visible. we all cringed in disgust at the gory sight. nancy went to apply a wipe but max stopped her.

"hey-hey, what are you doing?" max asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"i'm cleaning the wound?" nancy replied.

"no, first we need to stop the bleeding, then disinfect, then bandage." max informed, "I skateboard, trust me.. y/n hold this." she instructed whilst handing me the wipe to press onto el's leg. she whined as I held it in place but I knew this would help her in the

"keep the pressure on it, nice and firm, okay?" max reminded before turning to nancy, "we're gonna need water, soap"

"alright, okay." nancy and jonathan quipped before getting up and searching for the supplies.

lucas then poured a bunch of random shit out of his backpack, "does any of this help?"

"no." max sternly told him, "you idiots go get me a washcloth and a bowl."

"a bowl?" lucas repeated, confused.

"lucas." max warned.

"cmon!" mike hissed at lucas whilst slapping his arm playfully, before the two of them and will went in search of the bowl and washcloth.

"just keep this firmly on her leg, alright?" max said, I nodded in response before she stood up and left the aisle.


"this cut's real nasty, maybe one of the worst injuries I've ever seen." I spoke out with a light grin.

"worse than in the zombie movie?" el quizzed as she tilted her head like a confused dog.

"oh hell yeah, a lot worse. but it proves you're brave." I smiled, "proves you're a total badass superhero."

"bitchin' superhero?" el chuckled.

"yeah, that's the word!" I beamed, "the scar's gonna look rad, like, honestly I'm kinda jealous but then again, also not, 'cuz this looks like it hurts.. a considerable amount."

"eh, it hurts a little." el shrugged, but I knew she was just saying that.

I gave her a playful suspicious look that caused her to fall into a giggle fit.

"alright, it hurts.. quite a lot." she gave in with a wide smile.

suddenly, lucas' radio began to emit a glitchy voice, it sounded a lot like dustin's voice. god, that reminds me, I haven't seen dustin since the day he came home, oh shit.

"is that?.." el trailed off.

"dustin?" I finished for her before summoning the walkie with my mind. it skidded across the floor into my open hand.

"hello? dustin!" I cried out into the walkie.

"y/n!" dustin's elated but crackled voice called back, "oh, my, god. you have to listen. I know I've been MIA and I'm sorry, it's not because I was mad. I mean, I actually was mad but it's also b- trap- ground in secr- ssian base." dustin's fast paced voice had now turned into garbled radio audio.

"dustin, slow down! you're going to fast, I don't understand you!" I spoke into the walkie.

"-know -nds -sane but russ- infilt- awkins!" dustin shouted into his walkie but I couldn't get a word from it, "-damn -ssians! using- ope- ga-!"

"dustin! you're breaking up!" I tried to tell him but he was so obviously running out of batteries. not even a single word emitted from the radio now, it was complete nonsense.

"for fuck's sake! you're cutting out, dustin!" I exclaimed into the speaker, "DUSTIN!" the gargled nonsense completely cut out.

"what is it?" nancy questioned as she came into view.


we all sat in a strange silence as we waited for el to find dustin in the void. until lucas pulled the tab of his new-coke can.

"quiet." max scolded in a whisper.

"sorry." lucas quietly apologised before taking a swig of the drink.

"-how do you drink that?" mike seethed silently.

"-because it's delicious." lucas whispered back.

"what?!" mike, max and I exclaimed quietly in unison.

"it's like carpenter's, the thing." lucas explained, "the original is a classic, no question about it." he took another sip, "but the remake.." he took another loud slurp before a satisfied sigh slipped his lips, "sweeter, bolder.. better."

"you're insane." mike shook his head.

"so, you prefer the original thing?" lucas inquired.

"what? no. I'm not talking about the thing, I'm talking about new-coke." mike snapped.

"it's the same concept, dude." lucas replied.

"uh, actually, it's not the same concept." mike argued.

"it is the same concept!" lucas fired back.

"no, it's not!" mike spat.

"yes it is!" lucas said, even louder.

"hey!" el berated angrily whilst pulling the american flag designed blindfold from her head.

"sorry." mike and lucas apologised in sync.

"did you.. find him?.." mike sheepishly asked and el nodded.


"the movies?" lucas retorted as he pushed the trolley full of fireworks through the store, "dustin's so freaked out about the gate, he decided to go watch a movie? yeah, makes total sense."

"you're positive he said 'gate' and not 'great?'" max questioned as she turned back to face el, who was gripping onto my arm for support.

"yeah, like, 'this movie I'm watching is great'" will agreed with max.

"sounded like gate." el shrugged weakly.

"just listen to el, you guys." I added, "she's the one who visited dustin in the void."

"yeah well, anyways, seeing as the mindflayer is back we can always fight it with lucas' fireworks." max teased as they pushed the trolley through the smashed window.

"keep mocking my plan, max. go on, keep mocking it." lucas sassed, "say it again, because you keep doubting me!"

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