4. So I Can Fuck Your Brother

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"Three children. Gods. Raising Daeron was a lot and I didnt have to push him from my body." Hope remarked.

"Twins are the eldest two." Helaena added.

"Thats a lot of human harboring inside you for moons." Hope remarked and alicent felt normal again as though maybe this could work. They could be civil.

"Old town was great. Really great our aunt and uncles were the best teachers. They trained Hope and Hope taught me to fight. Im really good. Hoping to test it out on you nephews?" Daeron mused looking to jace. Jace was the one that had daeron sent away. Not intentionally but it was Jaces fault. They couldnt get along and Alicent sent him away to protect him from Rhaenyras cruel ways that she clearly passed on to her boys. But Daeron was happier for it. He loved living in old town with Hope.

"Oh yes Daeron has skills like you have never seen." Hope agreed. "And Tessarion is beautiful. Gorgeous beast. Daeron is bonded with her well."

"How do you and I get to bonding aunt Hope?" Aegon mused.

"Careful Aegon my Hope might look like a pretty face but she has claws." Alicent warned.

"And who's fault is that?" Hope griped.

The Starks. Thats who. Hope had been matched with Cregan Stark and Hope thought he was perfect. He was sexy and strong, smart too. He liked her a lot when they met half way between winterfell and old town.

It was a few days of falling turned I want to see winterfell and Hope spent a moon in winterfell with her uncle Klaus and Daeron getting to know the starks.

Hope loved animals but Cregans direwolf was becoming a problem. He wanted to be alpha but Hope was the alpha.

Hope had left breaking Cregans heart because he really liked her. His family loved her. And she didnt say why. Just goodbye.

"It was a whirlwind but he wasnt the one." Hope had told her father when they returned.

"A moon long whirlwind" Otto had countered skepticism filled his voice. But Hope shrugged heading to her chambers. She heard Daeron tell her father.

"Thats a lie. He was the one."

But Aemond smiling back at Hope gently touching her leg it made her think no. Cregan wasnt the one. There was no one right person. It was a bunch of bullshit. That was years ago now and Cregen flooded her memory at times. 

"Shots with me hope?" Aegon pondered sliding her a glass.

"Yes, it is needed." Hope agreed. Aemond rolled his eyes as Aegons attempts at flirting with Hope all evening.

"Final tribute. To the health of my nephews, Jace... Luke... and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise... hm... strong." Aemond remarked.

"Strong." Daeron agreed and Hope chuckled leaning into him.

''Aemond.'' Alicent warned. "Daeron... Hope do not encourage them." Alicent hushed.

"No never im responsibility to a damn tee!" Hope agreed.

''Come... let us drain our cups to these three... Strong boys." Aemond went on. Hope and Daeron lifted their glasses.

''I dare you to say that again.'' Jace spat.

''Why? 'Twas only a compliment. Do you not think yourself Strong?'' Aemond chuckled as Jace ran up to him punching him in the face. Aemond only smiled in return. Aegon grabbed jace by the collar of his shirt pulling him back before grabbing his head and forcing his face into the table. A wicked grin on his face. 

'' Jace!'' Rhaenyra spat.

''That is enough!'' Alicent agreed ''Why would you say such a thing before these people?''

''I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family, Mother. Mm, though it seems my nephews aren't quite as proud of theirs.'' Aemond went on smugly. Hope moved to Aemond touching his cheek. "Im quite fine but I do like your hands on me." Aemond assured her.

''Wait, wait!'' Daemon began as Rhaenyra got up angered.

"Would you look at the time?" Hope declared dramatically. "Should be getting back to our chambers so I can fuck your brother." Hope told Daeron as she looked to Aemond. A smile covered his face.

''Go to your quarters. All of you go, now.'' Rhaenyra demanded.

The children cleared out but Hope remained. Alicent stared back at her.

"Im not a child but this is already going to be a snooze fest," hope agreed as Daeron waited for her in the hall.

''Rhaenyra. It's best, I think, if we go back to Dragonstone." Daemon remarked his gaze shifting to Hope.

'' You've only just arrived.'' Alicent offered.

''Let me see the children home. I'll, um... return on dragon back.'' Rhaenyra offered

''The King and I would both like that.'' Alicent agreed.

'"Looks like you wont get to be show Jace how much you approved and after that hit looks like hes Strong." Hope remarked.  Jace turned back to her. "Twas a compliment." Hope reminded him smugly.

"Mother was right about you. All of you Hightowers are scum." Jace decided

"Scum. Wow. Hurt my feelings why dont you." Hope mused.

"I am Jacaerys Velaryon. I will ascend the iron throne one day. I will be king!" Jace declared.

"And Im Hope Hightower. You dont scare me little boy." Hope assured him.

"When my mother is queen I could make your life hell. All of you. For all you have done!"

"What did I do? What did Aemond do to deserve his eye being stabbed out?" Hope countered. "What did I do except be a good sister and raise Daeron as though he were my own. What did you do but become the bully?"

Jaces hands fisted at his sides as he took a step closer to her his face pinched with anger.

"I heard your father Harwin Strong was moody and temperamental as well." Hope declared. Jace clenched his jaw as he glared back at her. "You gonna hit me? I fucking dare you." Hope sneered. But Daeron shoved Jace back Jace faltered getting his footing as he looked up meeting their gaze Jace stared back at them.

"Good talk." Hope offered as she headed off. "Sleep well Lord Strong. I will."

''Come on, come on. That's it.'' Alicent encouraged helped Viserys back into bed. Giving him his teas tucking him in. ''Oh... Well done.''

''I'm sorry.'' Viserys rasped

''Shh.'' Alicent coed.

''I'm sorry.' Viserys repeated again.

''Shh, shh, shh.'' Alicent coed.

''But you wanted to know... if I believe it to be true.'' Viserys told her softly.

'' Believe what to be true, my King?''

''Don't you remember? Aegon...''

''Our son?'' Alicent questioned confused.

'' His Dream. The Song of Ice... and Fi... It is true. What he saw in the North. The Prince That Was Promised.'' Viserys said in a daze

''I don't understand, Viserys.''

''The Prince.' Viserys told her

''Prince Aegon?''

''To unite the realm against the cold... and the dark. It is you. You are the one. You must do this.'' Viserys told her softly ''You must do this.''

'' Shh, shh.'' Alicent coed as Viserys let out a deep breath and Alicent blew out the candles. ''I understand, my King.''

''No more. No more.'' His breathing became short as Alicent headed out. ''My love.'' Viserys said softly his breaths growing shallow and then they stopped.

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