19. Alpha

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Hope went outside feeling the snow pouring down around her her feet sinking into the ground. She felt like a lost cause. She knew this was a bad idea. He would never want her. Never want to help them. If Alicent was right and this was a song of ice and fire a war between ice and fire and the only way to win it was with the Starks help and hope was about to ruin it all for her home for her family.

She couldn't ruin it. She had to do better she had to try and get through to him she had to try and make peace with Jace. Even if it was just temporarily.


But hearing his voice being here brought it all back. Brought back the love and the pain brought back the mental and physical dilemma. That first transformation. That day. That kill. 

Hopes gaze shifted to Cregans direwolf. A snarl on his lips.

"I'M THE ALPHA!" Hope corrected and the wolf faltered back

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"I'M THE ALPHA!" Hope corrected and the wolf faltered back. "Me. Me. I'm the damn alpha." Cregan watched as his wolf, a stubborn thing bowed before Hope. "See you and me could have gotten along great all along." She stared back at him as she knelt in the snow. Extending a hand he approached putting his nose to her palm. "I was always this... maybe you knew that. Maybe you sensed it. Maybe thats why you hated me because I was to be more powerful than you." He grumbled in return and she stared down at him. "Yeah well you can be alpha. I'm leaving." 

"Hope you cant leave." Cregan declared. She stood and Cregan's wolf moved away from Hope to stand beside Cregan. 

"Its for the best." Hope corrected.

"Snows getting thicker. You cant fly in that weather."

"Dragons can handle a bit of snow." Hope corrected. 

"And where is your dragon?" Cregan questioned. Hope searched the sky but saw nothing more than a flurry around them. 

"She will be here." Hope remarked but she honestly didnt know. Perhaps dragons didnt do well in the north. Less to hunt, couldnt stay warm, Hope didnt know but she had a bad feeling Cregan was right. "Daeron lets go! Call Tessarion!" Hope declared, he stood at the doors not wanting to go back into the blizzard. "DAERON!"

"Hope its cold out there and it's warm in here!" Daeron called back. 

A Raven was flapping aggressively barely moving through the air. Cregan ran forward that was just the kind of man he was. He reached out cradling the raven to him as it curled up shivering fiercely in his arms.

"Even a damn raven cant get through." Cregan offered. 

"Dragons are not ravens." Hope assured him.

"Ass inside Hope." Cregan corrected.

"No. You hate me. Your sister clearly hates me. I'm safer in the elements." Hope corrected. 

"Hope. Don't fight me on this." Cregan demanded before he noticed the scroll. He pulled it free. 

"That's what I'm good at." Hope countered. "You fall and I fight." 


"I hate that I hurt you but it had to be. You dont understand. I never meant to." Hope declared. 

"Hope." Cregan demanded. 

"And I get why your sister hates me. Honest I do so thats why Daeron and I are leaving. This was a waste of everyones time." Hope remarked. 

"Will you shut the fuck up?" Cregan spat and Hope looked to him. "Prince Lucarys Velaryon is dead." she took the scroll from him. 

"In light of recent discoveries the queen of the seven kingdoms urges the LOrd of Winterfell to side with the rightful queen, the crown, as his father had promised and not with the murders of her son, the prince Lucarys Velaryon." Hope read and her words drifted off. "Aemond Targaryen and his dragon were seen..." She couldnt breathe. Aemond wouldnt do that. He wouldnt kill Luke. Cregan watched her face as she tried to be brave, tried to come to terms with what she read. "My family wouldnt kill him." Hope corrected. "My sister wanted to spare Rhaenyra and her children. Demanded they be offered a deal, something they could accept with pride and not be slaughtered. If something happened if this is not a ruse-"

"You think they would trick me?" Cregan countered. 

"I think they are good at getting what they want." Hope agreed. 

"Explain yourself." Cregan requested urging her back inside. He wrapped a blanket around her as soon as the doors were sealed. 

"Daemon wanted the crown. He killed two wives to get the heir. Rhaenyra wanted Daemon. She killed her husband to get Daemon. They do what they want with no consequence of others. I hope Luke isnt dead. But I wouldnt put it past them to lie to make sure a song of ice and fire didnt come true." 


"Some damn prophecy." Hope murmured. "You will be our ruin, our destruction or maybe our savior." Hope remarked locking eyes with him. "I dont really want to find out which one."

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