7. Kind & Vicious

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''It seems you were mistaken as to Aegon's habits." Criston remarked as they walked

"He could be in the hands of mercenaries, on a ship to Yi Ti. He could be dead." Aemond offered nonchalantly.

"Lucky for you then if he is." Daeron offered. "You would be the next king."

"That give you ideas?" Aemond mused. 

"Might." Daeron admitted smiling a cheeky grin back at him. 

" Let us hope, for your mother's sake, that is not the case." Criston offered kindly.

''Let's have a look.'' The boy groaned out, whimpering before being shoved in the pits. The children were fighting, punching stabbing. "Go on." The man shoved the gates closed as the crowd cheered excitedly.

''Get in there, you little...'' The crowds cheering blended with the childrens screams.

"This is awful." Hope declared. "Aegon likes this?" Hope looked around at all the children, fighting pits, children fighting for their lives, for a scrap of food, fighting because they had no one else to fight for them. 

''How old are they?'' Arryk asked looking down upon them.

''About 10 years, I should say." Erryk remarked. ''They have them grow their nails and file the teeth. Makes them more formidable."

"That's awful. They are children, these people are awful." Hope felt her own nails begging to come out, her own teeth, the sharp prick of them as she wanted to destroy every cheering fan that praised such an act. 

"Come on!" the crowd cheered as the kids were ripped apart. Hope held back a sob as she looked around. 

''Prince Aegon spends many a night in this place.'' Erryk informed them. Arryk looked to the horrified look on Hopes face. ''Do you see now what he is?'' Arryk looked just as appalled. ''You've not seen everything.'' Erryk nodded to a silver haired bastard shivering in the corners.

''Aegon's?'' Arryk questioned confused.

''One of many, I'd wager.'' Erryk agreed. 

"Gods." Hope whimpered. 

"Hope dont-" Erryk begged reaching out for her but she was already weaving through the crowd. 

"What do you think happens if we find the prince but lose Lord Hand's favorite daughter?" Arryk pondered. 


''Here I am, trawling the city, ever the good soldier in search of a wastrel who's never taken half an interest in his birthright." Aemond remarked as they walked. 'Tis I the younger brother who studies history and philosophy, it is I who trains with the sword, who rides the largest dragon in the world. It is I who should be..." Aemond went on.

"Tis I that... you study philosophy?" Daeron questioned. "Why the hell would you do that?" Aemond huffed a breath moving down the street but Criston stopped walking staring back at him.

'' I know what it is to toil for what others are freely given.'' Criston remarked.

" Mm... And we can't find him, Cole. You are a decent man with no taste for depravity." Aemond said stepping closer to Criston.

"We all have secrets." Daeron offered.  "And his secrets are his own..."  Aemond nodded slowly. 

"And he's welcome to them." Aemond assured. "I'm next in line to the throne. Should they come looking for me, I intend to be found." Aemond assured proudly.

''Something must be done. Aegon is unfit to rule.'' Erryk remarked as the brothers stared down at the fighting pits, the childrens fighting pits.

''You tolerated the Prince's proclivities for years." Arryk added

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