46. Always and Forever

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"Protect Hope and Ali-" Klaus began when Hope ran out. "Beka get her back-"

"Family sticks together. Always and forever right?" Beka countered. 

"I heard wings coming." Hope remarked. "They are clearly upset. Must have heard about Daemon last night." 

"Criston's missions to Duskendale went well too." Elijah remarked. "They are losing and not happy about it." Klaus grabbed the wolfsbane, it sizzled his skin as he shoved it into his pocket, Beka looked at him quizzically. 

"I thought starks were men of honor?" Rhaenyra shouted down. 

"I didnt lie. I am standing by the woman that will lead house stark-"

"I dont want to hear your excuses." Rhaenyra sneered. "You will die screaming."

"Like Daemon did when I ripped his throat out." Hope agreed. 

"Lord Strong! Welcome back," Daeron shouted running to Tessarion. "Lets do this like men... Sovengon." They swirled around each other and Aemond found it too similar he wanted to help but didnt trust Vhagar not to go after Tessarion, to listen to Aemond fully. 

Syrax roared out sparks expelling from her mouth, she clawed at Cregan but Hope shoved him out of the way. Hope screamed at the pain running through her. Cregan ran to her hands shaking as he saw the blood, the dragon claws could have torn right through her if Syrax was aiming for Hope, instead her claws just made it to the bone. Hope whimpered out at the pain, feeling the searing pain of the claws on her back. 

Seeing hope on the ground blood splattered clothes torn and burnt Cregans heart stopped. Klaus was filled with fury. But Hope pulled herself up with a groan.

"Stay down

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"Stay down." Klaus instructed. 

"No, I need to-" Hope whimpered out as Rhaenyra slid from Syrax back. Sauntering to them, she could end this personally and viciously. Rhaenyra pulled her blade from her hip. She hadnt had to touch a blade in ages but she knew the gist of it, stab Hope Hightower with the pointy end. 

"This isnt your fight, you are young, you deserve a great love." Klaus remarked kneeling beside Hope. "I got that, I got the girl that I loved more than I should have and the kid I never knew I wanted." Klaus brought a hand to Hopes cheek. "Kid that was a dragon, thats not something you just get up from. Let me handle this." 

"Uncle Klaus you can't." Hope rasped. "It's a fucking dragon." She looked to Daeron and Jace, dueling on their dragons in the sky. 

"Daeron can handle him." Klaus assured. 

"But before I do this I made your mother a promise, I promised to give you three things that you will have that I never did. A safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you no matter what." Klaus declared holding tight to Hope. "I hope I did a good job."

"You did... you... What are you... what are you doing?" Hope rasped as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I can end this. I love you Hope. Always and forever." 

Her eyes search his, full of confusion. They filled, a wave of tears that lay against her lashes, not falling, not building, completely suspended as she stared at him.

"Dad no!" Hope demanded. 

Klaus ran towards Rhaenyra she gripped her blade tightly aiming it at Klaus but he raised up the wolfsbane Hope heard his skin sizzle at the touch. Syrax's eye darted to Klaus, Rhaenyra dug the blade in but Klaus kept a bone crunching grip on her as Syrax descended upon them. 

"Always and forever." Klaus rasped meeting Hopes gaze. 

"I love you, dad." Hope sobbed out as Syrax chomped down on them. Cregan held tight to hope as she sobbed out crying for him. Then she saw Tessarion and Vyrmax wrapped up in a mess of wings and teeth and claws. Aemond took off after them. Hope Watched Jace go flying but Daeron was no where in sight. Cregan helped Hope up, her wounds healing too slowly, she hobbled using Cregan as a crutch. 

Aemond slid down the hillside to Tessarion. She grumbled opening up her wings and Daeron was safely snug inside, a bit knocked around but Jace was no where to be found. Daeron groaned out as Tessarion allowed him out. Aemond hugged his little brother tight.

"I'm a little broken." Daeron remarked. "Hope?"

"I'm a little broken." She agreed, leaning into Cregan. Daeron moved to her hugging her gently and he felt her tears on his head as she cried silently into him. 

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