8. Weakness & Strength

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"You have a kind heart Hope... like mother." Alicent remarked staring back at her sister. 

"And vicious like daddio." Hope agreed. "Listen I'm going to find Aegon."

"I know you are... I sent Criston, Aemond and Daeron out to find him first." Alicent corrected. 

"Daddio has some connections though with a worm so... he's going to find him first." Hope corrected. "Which means I find him first." 

"And who will you bring Aegon too Hope?" Alicent questioned. "He is my son, Hope. I want to see him again. I want to know he's safe."

"Look out for him while I'm gone." Hope answered instead as the nodded to the boy from the pits. 


"My Prince."

"You yourself are the mysterious White Worm, I take it." Otto wore his hood high over his head as he sat across from Mysaria. ''Or are you simply a further peel in this stinking onion?''

''My condolences on the passing of your king." She replied. Otto nodded and a bag of coin was placed in front of her, she passed it off to Jayne.

''Where is Prince Aegon?'' otto demanded.

''I thought, the Prince is in Flea Bottom where no one is to be trusted.'' Her voice shifting up and down in an unnatural pattern, making Otto's jaw tense that he was stooping so low to deal with such a woman. ''I'd best secrete him somewhere safe in case they come looking for him.''

'' Where's the Prince?'' otto demanded

''He is safely tucked away..." Otto glared back at her. ''I want an end to the savage use of children in Flea Bottom. They are forced to fight, and worse... your gold cloaks take the bribes given them to look away. An obscenity either tolerated or ignored by the crown." She went on and Otto withheld the urge to groan.

''I'll look into it. You have my word.''

''When your plots ripen and you install your grandson on the throne, remember it was me who put him there. I could have killed him as easily as a wasp on fruit. There is no power but what the people allow you to take." Mysaria hissed.

" I will remember." Otto seethed.

"Already handling that problem." Hope remarked sitting beside Otto. Mysaria stared back at her. "Handling the problem. It is disgusting. I'm handling it." 

"I dont know you. Who are you?" Mysaria sneered her antsy gaze shifting around. 

"Oh, hi, I'm Hope Hightower." she remarked crossing her hands on the table in front of her. "Now... Where is Aegon?"

Little fires everywhere but no Aegon in sight. Hope pulling the twins to a stop listening carefully. They looked around before hearing soft whimpers.

''"Listen.'' Hope whispered moving to the center podium.  Coughing... groaning... Hope smelt the ale on Aegons breath from here, the brothers shared a victorious grin before moving a panel from under the alter and pulling Prince Aegon out.

"No... No! No! Agh!"  Aegon grumbled out as they hauled him to his feet and he groaned and shouted in protest.

"Hey Aegon. I'm disappointed in you. Fighting pits? Gods boy. I'm starting to agree with everyone else in thinking you dont belong on the throne." 

''Where is the White Worm?'' Aegon demanded drunkenly.

'' She sold you for a price." Erryk informed him

''And why have you paid it?" Aegon questioned looking between them as they each held an arm captive in their grip.

"Daddio did." Hope corrected. "Alicent is worried about you. Aemond wants your throne, I have half the mind to give it to him." 

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