5. The News

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Hope was fast asleep when the news broke. The targaryen bastards were on their way home already and Daeron decided he didnt like the capital.

''Who knows?'' Otto questioned as Alicent had told him of Viserys passing.

''My handmaiden, Talya. Some of the servants.'' Alicent answered. "I saw him last night... before he..." Alicent leaned back in the chair, a shaky breath on her lips. ''He told me he wished for Aegon to be king." Alicent relayed and Otto stared back at her from the fireplace. ''It is the truth. Uttered with his own lips. His last words to me and I was the only one to hear it. And now he's dead.''

''Wake Hope," Otto suggested.


"Your sister is more skilled than you know." Otto offered gently.


"Gross no. What ungodly hour is it?" Hope groaned out.

"Im surprised to find Daeron in your bed and not Aemond." Otto remarked.

"Dont be gross. Daeron is practically my baby." Hope informed him.

"Sleeping baby." Daeron informed her.

"Go away daddio."

"Hope. The king is dead." Hopes eyes shot open as she looked to Otto.

"Dead dead?"

"Is there another kind?" Otto countered and Hope hummed her amusement. "Come on love up you get." Hope dressed quickly before heading out Daeron slumped back to bed uninterested. He barely knew his father. His old town family was more parents to him than his own. Viserys death meant little to Daeron.

''What is it that could not have waited an hour? Was Dorne invaded?" Tyland mused as they gathered around the council table.

"Thats what I said." Hope agreed.

''The King is dead.'' Otto told them all. Alicent sat at the kings seat silently. Tears in her eyes her hands clasped on the table. 

"Thats the look I made too when he told mexl Hope agreed as she ran a hand over Alicents back.

"We grieve for Viserys the Peaceful... our sovereign... our friend. But he has left us a gift.'' Otto went on calmly. ''With his last breath, he impressed upon the Queen his final wish: that his son, Aegon... should succeed him as Lord of the Seven Kingdoms." There was a small sigh of relief as the council was eager to get this started for Aegons rule.

''Then we may proceed now with the full assurance of his blessing on our long-laid plans." Hopes face scrunched up what long laid plans?

''Yes. There is much to be done, as we've previously discussed." Otto agreed. Alicent stared at them in disbelief before sharing a look with her sister.

''Now, there are two among the captains of the City Watch that remain loyal to Daemon.''

"Let us replace them... Lord Lannister." Otto encouraged

''The Treasury is well in hand. The gold will be divided for safekeeping." Tyland assured. Alicent stared confused and speechlessly.

"Mutiny. Didnt think you had it in you pops." Hope remarked. "Oh wait... thats a lie," she smirked back at him.

''Let ravens be sent to our allies, Riverrun and Highgarden." Otto went on as he glanced to Hope.

" Am I to understand that members of the small council have been planning secretly to install my son without me?" Alicent finally spoke up

''My Queen, there was no need to sully you with darkling schemes." Otto assured.

''I will not have this.'' Beesbury declared standing up in outrage. ''To hear that you are plotting to replace the King's chosen heir with an imposter!''

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