10. Second Sons

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"Everyone alright?" Alicent questioned looking around. 

"What did I say?" Hope demanded. "Kill her and no you let her live and she almost massacred your whole family. I dont know about you Ali, but I like living!" 

"Hope is right." Otto agreed "we need to prepare for the backlash of leaving her alive." 

"How did she get out?" Hope questioned. 

"Erryk." Otto hissed bringing a hand to his head trying to rub away the migraine forming. 

"He was team Aegon." Hope countered. "He... a word Daddio." Hope demanded pulling him off stage. She jumped down as he descended the stairs. "You wanted to send Aegon off into the sunset didnt you?" 


"Erryk knew that, which was why he wanted to find him. He didnt want to Aegon to rule." Hope went on. 

"Hope we both know that Aegon-"

"First born sons are shit." Hope agreed and Otto smiled back down at her bringing a hand to her cheek. "Second born sons have to work for their greatness, its not handed to them. But Aegon is still Alicent's child. She loves him, even if she has a hard time showing it." 

"I have to protect the realm." Otto reminded her. 

"And I protect my family." Hope corrected. 


''Here you are." Rhaenyra remarked coming up to Luke.

"The sea snake is going to die, isn't he?" Luke questioned turning to her nervously.

'Luke.' Rhaenyra sighed out but it was to be expected. 

''I can't be Lord of the Tides. Grandsire was the greatest sailor who ever lived. I get green sick before the ship even leaves the harbor." Luke reminded her nervously. ''I'll just ruin everything. I don't want Driftmark. It should have passed on to surveyman.'' Luke begged

''We don't choose our destiny, Luke. It chooses us.'' Rhaenyra reminded him gently.

''Grandsire, let you choose whether you be as a... You told us so." Luke reminded her holding back a sob. Corlys had been found but he was a mess, beaten by the seas, no one expected him to live.

"And do you want to know the truth of it?" Rhaenyra questioned him ''I was frightened. I was four and ten. Same as you are now. I wasn't ready to be queen of the Seven Kingdoms. But it was my duty, and in time I came to understand I had to earn my inheritance." Rhaenyra reminded him, she knew her time was coming when she last saw her father he was fading fast, the crown would be hers soon enough.

''I'm not like you.'' Luke whimpered

''In what way, sweet boy?''

''Not so... perfect.'' Luke informed her, sad eyes stared up at her.

''I am anything but..." Rhaenyra assured. ''My father looked after me and helped prepare me for my duties. Your mother will do the same for you." Rhaenyra assured her son, pressing a gentle kiss to his head. Luke was her baby, a mama's boy through and through and as the years passed she thought he looked more like Harwin. But still her baby. It was painful at times seeing so much of their father in them and knowing she did nothing to save Harwin. 

''Good morrow, Princess.'' She turned to the door, taking a step away from Luke.

"Good morrow, Sir Laurent." She answered

''Princess Rhaenys has just arrived on Dragon back. We urgently request an audience with you and Prince Daemon.'' He informed her and she sucked in a deep breath. That couldn't mean anything good. ''The Princess Rhaenys Targaryen.'' He announced as Rhaenyra and Daemon stood waiting for her.

''Thank you, Sir Laurence.... Princess Rhaenys, might we hope for news of Lord Corlys's recovery?" Rhaenyra said hopefully.

"Viserys is dead." Rhaenys informed her bluntly. Rhaenyra stared back at her, she didn't expect this news, not right now. ''I grieve this loss with you, Rhaenyra. My cousin. Your father. Possessed a kind heart." Rhaenyra looked to Daemon letting out a shaky breath. ''There is more.'' She turned her gaze back to Rhaenys as Rhaenys got closer, her steps slow but precise. ''Aegon has been crowned as his successor. They crowned him."

"How did Viserys die?"

"I could not say." Rhaenys admitted

''How long ago?'

''A day past, perhaps two. I was made a prisoner in my quarters while the Queen made her preparations." Rhaenys informed them. '' Viserys has been slain.'' Rhaenys repeated slowly for them to process.

"Alicent demanded you declare for Aegon." Rhaenyra remarked.

"She did.' Rhaenys agreed. ''I refused her.'

''And yet you are alive.'' Daemon mused unconvinced of her loyalty.

''The High Septon crowned Aegon in the Dragonpit. I witnessed it myself just before I fled on Maelys. They crowned him before the masses. So that the masses would see him as their rightful king." Rhaenys informed them.

''That whοre of a queen murdered my brother and stole his throne, and you could have burned more for it." Daemon spat.

"A war is like to be fought over this treachery, to be sure. But that war is not mine to begin. I only rushed this warning to you out of loyalty to my husband and to my house." Rhaenys informed them ''The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra. And for your children. You should leave Dragonstone at once." Rhaenys told them as she headed out but Rhaenyra whimpered out and Rhaenys turned back to her. Daemon stared as she doubled over, pulling up her dress skirts and drawing back blood.

"Baby's coming.''


"Aunt Beka, thank you for coming." 

"Of course." beka agreed. "I miss my favorite girl." Hope smiled back at her. 

"Come on, I want this handled before there is mass chaos in flee bottom... more so." Hope offered. 

"No hug for me?" Klaus questioned coming up behind them with her uncle Elijah. 

"Hi..." Hope whispered hugging them. "Thank you. Sorry you missed the coronation, you would have loved it."

"I bet." Klaus agreed wrapping an arm around her shoulders. 

"Alright enough pleasantries, who do we have to kill?" Beka questioned. 

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