20. Honor

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"Some damn prophecy." Hope murmured. "You will be our ruin, our destruction or maybe our savior." Hope remarked locking eyes with him. "I dont really want to find out which one."


"Because you a great guy and I dont want us to be on opposite sides of this war. Because I dont want to hurt you to protect my family." Hope whispered.

"What happens if I dont pick the Greens?" Cregan questioned. "Dont pick your side?"

"If you believe in prophecy... I suppose I do." Hope had to, she had to believe because of what she was. A prophecy deemed that on a first kill the transformation, no matter the age, no matter the gender. First kill enacted the curse. Prophecy of the werewolf.

"Hope what happens?" Cregan asked and she didnt know when he got there, so close to her, breathing her breath.

"Downfall." Hope rasped. "Ours or theirs. Maybe both. But there will be prophecy and their will be downfall."

"Then lets talk." Cregan agreed. "See if we cant-"

"Luke. Dead or alive you give that scroll to Jace there will be bloodshed too." Hope added. There was a silent moment between them. Hope knew she could never gain his trust, that he would never choose her side after what happened. He was only being a good man, an honorable man.

"I have to show the letter to Prince Jacaerys." Cregan remarked.

"I know." Hope agreed.

"You think your nephew capable of murder?" Cregan pondered.

"I dont want to think so." Hope admitted.

"You cant leave Hope. It's not safe. Not yet." Cregan begged.

"I know." Hope agreed. He extended a hand for her and she took it.

"Are we staying?" Daeron questioned and Hope pulled away from Cregan but Daeron saw them holding hands. A smile curved Daeron's face.


Jace read and reread the scroll his hands shook around the parchment. He couldnt believe his ears.

"What is she still doing here?" Sara sneered. Jace looked up to Hope.

"Jace, I am sorry about Luke." Hope remarked honestly. If it was true then Jace had just lost his brother. 

"Aemond killed him!" Jace lunged at her as though she killed Luke herself but Cregan grabbed him pulling him back. "I'm going to kill you. Every last one of you Hightower traitors!"

"Storms sealed the doors shut, my lord." Ser Barton declared.

"Thank you, Clint." Cregan agreed. "Prince Jaecarys, Prince Jacaerys!" Jace settled, pulling from Cregans grasp. "We are stuck while the snowstorm passes." Cregan remarked. "We cant kill each other."

"WHy! Why did he do it!" Jace spat.

"I have been here already. I dont know and I dont believe Aemond would." Hope remarked.

"Who gave him his pirate eye again?" Daeron pondered. 

"He did it!" Jace shouted charging at Hope. Breaking past Cregan. 

"I'm not Aemond" Hope reminded him. 

"He's your little pet." Jace spat. Hope held him back, grabbing his arms, she could have so easily broken his bones but she had control. She was in control. 

"Aemond is my nephew, just as you are his. I was already on my way here!" Hope reminded him. 

"I heard you at supper, you were all over him." Jace corrected. 

"And why would I want Luke dead? Before you start imagining things.  I wouldnt." Hope declared. "I wouldnt hurt him, but you are really starting to piss me off Strong."  Jace screamed using all his strength but Hope kicked his legs out from under him, landing him on his back with a thud. She held a hand to his chest, knee on his thigh keeping him in place. "Stay down!" She barked. 

"Hope enough." Cregan begged moving towards her. He pulled her back and she let him. Jace scurried back and into Saras legs. 

"You get your scowl from your brother I see." Hope remarked glancing at Sara as Cregan let her go. Hope marched towards Daeron running a hand through his hair holding him to her. At least she had Daeron here. 

"Hes dead we cant bring him back and this is how we should honor him."  Cregan remarked.

Cregan headed outside into the snow, pushing past the wind that threatened to whip the door closed again, forcing it icy closed. But Hope watched him kick the door, damn that man. Hope blinked away the thoughts filling her mind. Hope kept a hand on Daeron as she searched the snowy fortress.  Looking for Tessarion but she wasnt here. SHe must have known the storm was coming and fled, abandoning them. Jace's dragon wasnt here either it seem. What loyal beasts they were. 

Cregan came back to the foyer and held up an arrow, set it aflame and held it before them.

"The Targaryen way, is it not?" Cregan offered, Hopes gaze flickered to the flame. 

"Yes." Daeron agreed. 

"We dont have his body." Jace countered. 

"We dont need his body to honor the life he lived." 

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