33. It's Personal & None of my Business

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"You are staring." Hope remarked not looking up from her book.

"You are beautiful and I like looking at beautiful things." Cregan informed her.


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"Flattery... nice." Hope teased. "Dont try and be flirty and cute. Daeron is resting." She moved her hand patting gently along his back. "Or hibernating... I'm not sure. He doesnt like the north anymore apparently.''

"I can be quiet." Cregan agreed and Hope looked up to him as he sat on the edge of the bed. 

"ooh." She teased putting the book aside. 

"Would you tell me about the prophecy?" Hope's breath hitched in her chest. "The one of fire and ice you were telling me about." He clarified when she tensed. 

"Oh, that... yeah." Hope agreed licking at her dry lips. 

"Is there another prophecy?" Cregan mused. Hope choked out a laugh. 

"I'm sure there are plenty." Hope offered awkwardly. Daeron rolled over in bed mumbling. "Well," Hope cleared her throat.  "The Targaryen histories... they tell us that Aegon looked across the Blackwater from Dragonstone, and saw a rich land ripe for the capture. But ambition alone is not what drove him to conquest. It was a dream. And just as Daenys foresaw the end of Valyria, Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men. Or so the story goes. I have less faith in targaryens but its there story so they can embellish and make themselves seem holier then the rest of us.' Hope remarked and Cregan chuckled smiling back at her. 

"And where does the handsome Northman come into play?" Cregan mused. 

"Ah, it does not claim his handsomeness." Hope remarked. "I might have paid better attention during Daeron's lessons if it did." she added with a wink. Daeron sat up staring back at them. 

"Am I interrupting your love fest?" Daeron pondered wiping the sleep from his eyes. 

"Yes. You are." Cregan agreed and Hope felt her heart rate pick up. Daeron's jaw dropped as he looked between them. 

"Well, don't mind me." Daeron tried to get up but Hope kept him hostage. "Take one for team green." Daeron reminded her and Hope shook her head. 

"I'm giving him a history lesson." Hope corrected. 

"Boring." Daeron corrected. 

 ''The doom and fate of kings landing." Hope remarked. 

"Hell, thats a dreary story." Daeron declared. "They all die in the end, the end." 

"Ruined the ending." Cregan teased. Hope looked out the window. 

"Tis to begin with a terrible winter gusting out of the distant north.'' Hope recalled. Cregan's smile fell. 

"Like this?" Cregan questioned and hope shrugged she didnt know, she didnt want to believe that Cregan was their savior. Mainly because she thought he was going to hate her.  "What does it mean?"  Cregan pondered. 

"I hope we never have to find out."  Daeron declared through an exasperated breath. Cregan looked to Hope.

 ''Aegon apparently saw absolute darkness riding on those winds. And whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living. When this Great Winter comes... all of Westeros must stand against it. And if the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne. A king strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark. Aegon called his dream "The Song of Ice and Fire." 

"Why dont I know this?" Daeron pondered. 

"Because we didnt study at old town, we trained." Hope remarked honestly. Daeron nodded in agreement. "Also because this dream, this dream of ice and fire was a secret... it's been passed from king to heir since Aegon's time."

"How do you know then?" Cregan countered. 

"Viserys got drunk and told Ali in a moment of weakness and doubt. Ali had told me that he was rambling about how Rhaenyra was not fit. He had chosen her and she was destined to be as much of a cunt as Daemon was." Hope remarked bluntly. 

"The king called his daughter-" Cregan challenged. 

"Targaryen's embellished their history, I say it how Viserys would have." Hope offered innocently. 

"He doubted Rhaenyra?" Cregan pushed curiously. 

"He named her because he was pushed to do so. She was chosen but she wasnt really." Hope remarked. "She was Targaryen and she was there. She was better then Daemon was at the time but then she went and killed her husband to be with Daemon. Daemon killed two wives for the crown he has always coveted.... she and my sister used to be best friends. Buddies like Daeron and I." Hope offered as she wrapped an arm around Daeron's shoulders. "But Rhaenyra took her princess privileges too far and Alicent hated holding her tongue, biting her lip. It's not fair what she had to go through, it's not fair what Rhaenyra put her through." 

"You love your sister." Cregan whispered. 

"I wouldnt be here begging if I didnt." 

"You begged?" Cregan mused. "I must have missed that." Hope gave him a playful shove. 

"Ali's a good woman, she tended to Viserys for years while Rhaenyra ran away from her duties and responsibilities and only came back when she needed her father to fix her problems for her." Hope declared bitterly. "Hightower blood is stronger than that. We stick together, we fight for our family. I want you to fight for her too." A long silent moment followed as Cregan held Hopes gaze.  

"Can I ask you something?" Cregan questioned.  Hope hesitated but she nodded.  "It's personal and none of my business," he added and she coughed out a laugh.

 "Can't wait to hear this then." Hope agreed. 

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