34. You Want Me To Howl?

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Soon You'll Get Better/ Sandor Clegane out now!

"Can't wait to hear this then." Hope agreed.

"Maybe this is my cue to leave." Daeron remarked getting up and heading out. Cregan moved closer to Hope and she stiffened. His hand slid under the collar of her shirt and she didnt dare move, or breathe. His hand was warm against her skin and she knew what he was looking for, what he remembered seeing on their night tangled up together under the stars. 

"Your birthmark." Cregan began as a finger trailed over her cresent birthmark on her shoulder blade.

"Just a birthmark." Hope corrected.

"And the scar that healed after the full moon after you gave me heart attack running in the woods for two days. Cregan countered.

"Just a scratch"

"A lot of blood for just a scratch." cregan reminded her. Hope sighed criss crossing her legs and he let his hand fall from her. 

''My mother had this journal and it said I hope my child will become the alpha of the crescent wolf pack one day." Hope recalled. Cregan stared back at her. "Then she died. And left me with a secret. Only she didn't tell me that secret my uncle did."

"What secret?"

"It wouldnt be a secret if I told you."

"Maybe I can get it out of you." Cregan pondered getting closer. 

"You can try but I'm a tough nut to crack." Hope informed him but her eyes darted to his lips then to his eyes and back again. His lips barely touched hers when a shrill shriek of distaste met their ears. 

"What the hell Cregan?" Sara spat. 

"Fuck off Sara." Cregan grumbled. 

"We should kill them both and the rightful queen Rhaenyra would be grateful to us for getting rid of these killers." Sara declared and Hope stood up. 

"Lets go then. I will give you one shot." Hope agreed. "But just one and if you miss and I'm still breathing, well then its my turn." 

"Can we just take a breath?" Cregan countered trying to step between them. 

"I'm a wolf." Sara reminded her.  "You are what? A tower?" 

"Lets go then, and when you lose maybe you will realize you are not the alpha here." Hope growled back. Sara stomped down the hall. 

"Hope-" Cregan reached out for her. 

"I'm just giving her what she wants." Hope remarked. "For what its worth, I wont kill her when she cant finish." 

"Seven hells." Cregan muttered chasing after them. 

"What the hell?" Daeron questioned as Sara got her bow. "Hope?"

"Dont worry Daeron. I'm handling it." Hope assured. 

"Seven hells." Cregan shouted. "Stop, stop this now. Sara put the bow down!"  Sara rolled her eyes as she loaded her arrow. 

"Take your best shot." Hope challenged. "Come on." Sara aimed her arrow at hope and cregans heart stopped. But hope grabbed at as the arrow flew through the air at her.

"Fuck." Sara muttered. 

"Gonna have to do a lot better than that to kill an alpha." Hope remarked confidently.

Sara stared back at her perplexed but Hope dropped the arrow moving aside

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Sara stared back at her perplexed but Hope dropped the arrow moving aside.

"My turn?" Hope stepped towards Sara and Hope saw the fear in her eyes, heard her heart racing, a light sweat ran along her brow. 

"How?" Sara rasped. 

"I told you already but you dont listen." Hope reminded her before kicking her legs out from under her. Jace's eyes went wide, a smirk covered Daeron's face. Cregan swallowed the lump in his throat. Hope pinned Sara to the ground. 

"Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe." Hope assured before standing up and walking away. 

"Cregan!" Sara whined. 

"Thats what you fucking get." Cregan sassed. 

"Cregan!" Sara whimpered out. 

"Thats what you fucking get." Cregan repeated. "Stop being such a little bitch to Hope and Daeron." 

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. Cregan felt the love and madness as he chased after Hope. 

Hope walked past Frito and he jumped up wagging his tail happily. Storm blocked Hopes path, but Hope was already in a bitchy mood, her eyes shifted and Storm hesitated.

"You want me to howl?" Hope questioned baring her fangs slightly at Storm. Cregan watched, only seeing Hope's back and Storm's face off. Then he saw what he never thought he would. Storm laid down bowing her head to Hope. 

"About damn time." Hope grumbled as she moved past. 

"Hope wait!" Cregan called catching up to her. "About Sara-"

"I won, fair and square." Hope remarked as she moved into her chambers.

"Yes you did." Cregan agreed. "But thats not... I just mean I'm sorry about her."

"I love kicking ass of prissy little shits that think themselves better then I." Hope assured. "It's fun for me." 

"It was terrifying, Sara aiming that bow at you... I think my heart stopped for a moment but you catching the arrow... Gods Hope that was so sexy." Cregan remarked closing the door after him. 

"Does me being a sassy bitch turn you on?" Hope mused as he closed the distance between them. His hand went to her waist and he pulled on his belt lightly keeping him close. 

"It doesnt have to change anything." Cregan offered as he rested his forehead against hers. "Not if you dont want it to." he added softly. 

"A lot has happened since being stuck in this icicle palace." Hope agreed and Cregan chuckled. Hope brought a hand to his face.  "But we can talk about it in the morning." Hope assured and she kissed him.

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