45. May the Tiny Fingered Gods Curse You

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Hope's eyes fluttered open, to the morning sun shining through the curtain's billowing in the window. She blinked away the blur sleep, rubbing at her eyes still groggy from the night before it was almost like a dream. Hope closed her eyes again, willing herself a few more minutes of rest. Until something warm and heavy tightened around her waist.

Hope's eyes shot open in realization and remembrance and she held her breath. Looking down, there was a strong pale arm draped over her body. Glancing over her shoulder she stared back at Cregan sleeping soundly. She had half hoped upon waking that their hours of passion was just a fever dream after going half wolf on Daemon. Though clearly- she ran her hand over his arm still draped around her- it wasn't a dream. 

Deciding it best not to wake the sleeping Cregan, and deal with whatever expectations he had for them for this war, she didnt remember if they even discussed if he was truly on their side? He must have been, it was a blur of Cregans body against her and she was weak for him. 

Hope slowly, and carefully plucked his arm from her naked body. Slowly and as stealthy as she could muster she inched herself to the edge of the bed, rolling out of it onto her feet. She sighed in relief as Cregan stayed asleep. Looking upon his face now, he looked so peaceful, so content, she wanted to crawl back into bed and kiss that handsome face but her brain decided running was more her speed and she needed to run from everything good in her life, besides they were still in a war. Daemon was dead but Rhaenyra wasnt.

Hope tugged on her clothes quickly and gathered her tangled into a high ponytail roughly then she grabbed her boots shoving her foot in one and stumbling on the second losing her footing and stumbling into the wall. 

"Seven hells," she muttered. Cregan shifted in bed watching her. 

"What are you doing?" Cregan pondered from the bed. Looking up after putting on her second boot she was ready to run and deal with dragons, that seemed less scary than having this talk with Cregan. Cregan sat upright in the bed, leaning forward, his strong arms draped over his knees. He was a damn masterpiece.

"Are you sneaking out?" Cregan questioned and there was clear hurt in his eyes.

"No... yes." Hope corrected. "Yes I am." She swallowed thickly. Cregan stared back at her silently for what felt like an eternity.

"Why?" He asked eventually. Hope bit at her lip, looking anywhere but at him, she couldn't take the way he was looking at her, like she was the monster because she was but he didnt know that, not really. Aemond saw her do something with Daemon surely but he didnt say anything, she had to talk to him too, she needed to figure everything out but telling the people she loved what she was, was terrifying and she would really rather go against a literal dragon than tell the truth about the monster that she was.

 "So last night... it didn't mean anything?"

"I didnt say that." Hope corrected sternly. "I love you. I love you." She declared meeting his gaze. "But we are in a war and I'm still a secretive bitch and you are still a man of honor and honesty and Cregan I love you, its always been you and I promise if I live through this war, I will tell you everything." 

"Pinky promise?" Cregan questioned standing up the sheet fell to his feet and heavens that man walked so confidently bare ass naked to her. He stuck out his pinky and she locked hers with his. "My the tiny fingered Gods curse you if you break this promise." Cregan declared and a smile broke out on her face. "Daeron taught me that one when he was younger." 

"I recall." Hope agreed hugging him. 

"I love you Hope." Cregan whispered kissing her forehead. 


"Hey uncle klaus I was reading something about dragons liking wolfs bane." Daeron remarked. "Aunt Beka is finding me some to test it."

"Why is that useful?" Klause countered. 

"Because maybe-"

"Fucking hell." Beka spat hitting Tessarion's nose. Tessarion huffed a breath. "Damn near took off my arm. That book was right Daeron." Beka declared. 

"What are you thinking Daeron?" Klaus pondered. 

"Rhaenyra is going to be mad, Jace too, they are going to use their dragons what if we can distract them, disorient them, make them do what we want them to do if they are crazy for wolfs bane." Daeron offered. 

"Incoming dragons." Hope remarked.

"What?" Cregan ran to the window. 

"Put some clothes on." Hope instructed. 

"How did you-"

"I heard their wings." 

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