27. Tell me Why

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Hope knew it was coming she was more irritable more angry she felt not in control which was terrible cause right now with the time she really really really needed control.


Among the celebration for their new king, Alicent thought it was a shit time for a party but aegon was the king and they had to show strength, that they were not worried. Even if she was terrified. Aegon and Otto were talking strategy whiling sipping their drinks.

Aemond forced a smile at his brother, he wanted to be king, but maybe it was not in the cards for him, he felt such shame and fear for what he had done. Killing Luke, he added to the pain the fury. Aegon didnt seem to concerned but Aemond worried for the future, worried for Hope. Alicent looked to Aemond but he couldnt looked at her. He knew he added to the chaos and he had always tried to be a good son and now he was hurting his family unintentionally.

"Why isnt hope back yet?" Klaus demanded his half siblings, Beka and Elijah.

"Unions and what not with the starks." Beka reminded him.

"She is getting the starks to hopefully join-" Elijah agreed.

"They had a damn dragon." Klaus reminded them. "It should have been quick, a little persuasion and a little bit of flirting, charming him and then bam, they should have been back." Klaus declared and Alicent stared back at him.

"You think something went wrong?" Alicent pondered. "We dont need any more bad news." she begged.

"A full moon is coming." Klaus muttered.

"She has control." Elijah whispered back and Alicent wished they would just tell her what was going on. She was the queen after all but she knew little of her mothers side of the family these days.

"Is my sister okay?" Alicent demanded.

"She is strong. She can handle this." Beka assured.

"Tell me!" Alicent shouted and Otto stared back at them.

"She's my daughter, if you know something that we need to know... please." Otto begged. "If you are worried, then maybe we need to do something."

"I could fly out." Aemond offered but Klaus was already shaking his head. "What? She's my aunt, I care about her too."

"She wouldnt want you getting hurt." Klaus remarked.

"Hurt?" Alicent demanded. "What arent you telling me?"

"It's nothing you need to know." Klaus assured.

"Like hell it isnt or else you wouldnt be so damn worried." Otto spat. But aus peered outside as the moon rose in the sky.

"Daeron I dont think I can

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"Daeron I dont think I can..." Hope began hyperventilating as she put her hands on her knees trying to breathe. "I can't stay here."

"Okay then we leave." Daeron agreed.

"You can't." Hope corrected.

"You are not leaving me here." Daeron corrected. "These people are crazy."

"Talking to a werewolf." Hope reminded him.

"And yet you are the most sane of them all." Daeron countered.

"Its not safe out there and we dont know where Tessarion is." Hope reminded him.

"I thought you had control... you havent... not in a while..." daeron whispered.

"Its being here with cregan." Hope declared. "You need to stay put. I can survive the cold-"

"Hope no!" Daeron begged.


"Do you remember your mother, Alicent?" Klaus pondered.

"A little." Alicent agreed. "Why?"

"Hayley was the bravest woman alive, you like your hightower genes, your greens, and status but never forget your families strength is not in status." Klaus declared.

"Hope will be fine, wherever she is." Elijah added.

"How do you know?"

"Because Hope is a Mikaelson."


Hope ran out into the cold, she couldnt risk it. Cregan chased after her. Calling her name but he lost her quickly in the snowy haze. Frito jumped up ready for a chase, the cold was already nipping at Cregan's nose and fingers.

"HOPE! HOPE COME BACK!" Cregan demanded, his voice echoed through the wind. "Get her." Cregan pointed a finger and Frito took off at a sprint. He stood in the doorway snow blowing into the main hall but a moment later Cregan heard a howl and Frito came running back.

"Daeron where did she go?" Cregan demanded. Daeron blinked back at him. "Daeron!"

"She- I- well..." daeron mumbled.

"Daeron its too cold. She wont survive out there." Cregan begged. "The snow is piling up it will be a snowy fortress and she wont be able to find her way back. She could get hurt become disoriented-"

"Trust me when I say I hate this too." Daeron begged. "But this is something Hope needed to do."


"I cant tell you that." Daeron answered.

"You are just a secretive as Hope." Cregan grumbled. Daeron shrugged trying to stay brave and strong but he was worried too. "Shes going to die out there." Cregan added.

"Have faith, have hope in Hope."

"Daeron!" Cregan declared through an exasperated breath "Tell me why!"

"Its not my secret to tell."

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