Chapter 35

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Alex, Kara and Lena all quickly go rushing outside to get to Natalie's side. Natalie, for her part, is still crying and holding her hands to one of her knees. Meanwhile, Ashley is crouched down next to her sister, trying to comfort her.

"Natalie!" Lena calls out, in a worried voice, as she rushes to her youngest daughter's side.

Kara and Alex follow Lena, with both Lena and Alex crouching down next to the 12-year-old, who is still crying. Alex, for her part, has gone into full doctor mode now.

"Natalie, where does it hurt, darling?" Lena asks, in a worried voice.

"My.... my knee.... and..... and my hands...." Natalie explains through tears.

"Okay." Lena nods, in a calm voice, "Can I please see your hands and your knee darling?"

Lena is asking this because Natalie is still holding her hands against her knee that she has hurt.

Natalie then slowly lifts her hands off her hurt knee, and that is when everyone sees that Natalie's hands have a bunch of grazes over them, and are bleeding slightly, obviously from where she tried to catch herself with her hands when she fell. Then as for Natalie's knee, the group see that the 12-year-old's jeans have been torn at the knee now, and Natalie's knee is grazed and bleeding a lot.

Lena can't help but take in a breath from how bad Natalie's knee looks. Although Lena does know that it likely looks worse than it is.

"That looks bad." Ashley says, in a concerned voice.

"It'll be okay." Lena quickly says.

Alex now turns to look at Kara.

"Kara, I have my first aid kit in my bag in the car. Can you go get it for me?" Alex asks, as she hands Kara the car keys.

"Sure!" Kara nods, and quickly goes racing over to the car to retrieve he first aid kit.

"Okay, Natalie, everything is going to be okay." Alex says, in a calming voice, wanting to reassure the young girl so maybe she'll stop crying. "I know it probably hurts right now, and looks bad, but you are going to be fine. We just need to make sure we clean your hands and your knee, and then just dress them for now, to stop the bleeding. Then later, probably when we get to Midvale, we'll redo the dressing again. Okay?"

"It hurts..." Natalie says, still sobbing.

"I know it does, darling." Lena says, and then wraps one of her arms around Natalie, just in an attempt to comfort her, "But I'm here, darling, and we are going to make you all better."

Just as Lena finishes speaking, Kara comes rushing back, carrying Alex's green first aid bag.

"Here! I got it Alex!" Kara exclaims, as she hands the bag to Alex.

"Okay. Thank you." Alex nods.

Alex then unzips her bag, revealing various medical contents, for all sorts of situations. Luckily, today Alex doesn't need anything extreme, just some cotton padding to soak up some of the blood, some bandages, and some anti-septic, to clean the wounds.

"Is there something we can do to help, Alex?" Lena asks the redhead.

"Just continue to comfort Natalie." Alex says, "As I'm not going to lie to you Natalie, this next bit, where I'm going to clean the wound, is going to sting a bit. But I promise I'm not doing it to be mean or anything. I'm doing it because it's what we use to make sure the wound is clean, and doesn't get infected when we bandage it up."

"O..kay..." Natalie nods, now crying a bit less now.

"Alright." Alex nods, and then glances at Lena.

"Hold onto my hand, darling." Lena says, and carefully holds Natalie's hand that is the least cut up.

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