Chapter 71

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It is now the following day, and Lena is back at work at L-Corp, and today is really not a day that she is looking forward to that much, because today she has to go face to face with Andrea, and her team of lawyers, in regards to Andrea attempting to stop the sale of CatCo to her, and also attempting to accuse Lena of colluding, and a bunch of other bullshit. Of course, this is not the only legal issue that Lena is even going to have with Andrea in these coming days, and weeks. Lena also will have to have the legal battle about Andrea assaulting her, then the legal battle to fight the fact Andrea is trying to bullshit and say Kara assaulted her, rather than the truth being that Kara punched Andrea to defend her. Then, to top everything off, Lena will also have to have the legal battle with Andrea about official custody of their kids. However, in this front, given how Andrea has essentially told Ashley and Natalie that she doesn't want anything to do with them, the brunette kind of hopes that her ex-wife doesn't put up a fight for a change in custody rights at all. Ultimately though, Lena knows who Andrea is, and even though Andrea may no longer want to have the girls living with her, because of all her own bullshit, Lena knows that Andrea will probably fight the change in custody because it will just be another way to annoy Lena, and get under her skin, making things more difficult for her. That is essentially what Andrea has done, ever chance she has got, ever since she and Lena got their divorce. The only real hopeful part of this, is Lena does think that if Andrea is foolish enough to take the custody change battle to court, she will easily lose, because Lena now actually has the awful, and frankly abusive, texts that Andrea has sent both Ashley and Natalie. Lena hopes that if her lawyers show those texts to the judge, as evidence, it will be a slam dunk case in her favour, and Lena will get everything she wants, with the girls legally being allowed to live with her full time, and not have to live with Andrea at all. Of course, if Ashley and Natalie ever do change their minds, and want to live with Andrea again, Lena would not stop them, even if she doesn't think it would be a good idea. However, Lena thinks that over these last few months her girls have really started to see the true person Andrea is, so she doesn't think that is going to happen anytime soon. Not unless Andrea makes a drastic change to her life, and her personality to become an actual decent human being, and parent. Lena wouldn't hold her breath for that though.

Right now, Lena is sitting at her desk, in her office, simply waiting for when she has to go to a meeting between herself, her own lawyers, and Andrea, and her lawyers, all specifically about the sale of CatCo today. Andrea will be coming to L-Corp, with her lawyers, for the meeting, as that has already been arrange, and Lena was a bit surprised by that. Lena thought that Andrea would put up a big fight to make her coming to Obsidian North, after all, this meeting is basically about a way for Andrea and her lawyers to just back down, and stop accusing Lena of illegally buying CatCo. At the end of the day though, Lena thinks that Andrea likely did agree to meet at L-Corp because she knows that other people will see her at L-Corp, with her team of lawyers, and that will just create gossip, and maybe cause a few more headaches for Lena.

Lena continues to work at her desk for the next half an hour, really trying to get on with some important work, but not really being able to do much of it, simply because she can't stop dreading the meeting she is about to have. Soon though, Lena is interrupted by a knock at her office door. This is strange because usually Jess would announce anyone who comes to her office, so no one would ever knock.

"Uhhhh.... yes?!" Lena calls out, a bit awkwardly.

A few moments later, the door opens, and Lena is relieved to see Sam walking through.

"Sam." Lena says, with a smile, "What are you doing here? I thought our, seemingly daily awkward chats between the two of us and Jack don't happen for a few more hours yet."

Sam chuckles slightly at Lena saying that.

"Yes, that is true. Although, unfortunately, we won't be having one of those chats today. Jack has decided to work from home today, rather than come into the office." Sam says.

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