Chapter 64

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It is now Monday, and it has been a rather hectic day for both Lena and Kara. For Lena, it has been a hectic day, because today she has actually had a lot of work to do at L-Corp, and several things seemed to have all popped up at once. This has led to Lena needing to be in meetings most of the day. The only good part about those meetings, is she was joined by Sam for most of them. Lena doesn't mind going to meetings by herself, as she is CEO after all, but Lena does always prefer if at least one of her friends, in Jack or Sam, is at the meeting with her, as that makes it much more bearable. Jack is rarely in meetings with Lena though, as part of the deal with Lena actually buying Jack's company, was that he no longer would have to go to meetings regularly, and all of that sort of thing would be handled by Lena, and other members of management.

On top of these meetings, today has been a busy day for Lena because she has also been communicating with her lawyers all day long, and on several fronts. Lena has had to talk with her lawyers about both dealing with the finalisation of the sale of CatCo to her, and also the legal custody battle that Lena is now going to ignite between herself and Andrea, so she can keep Ashley and Natalie most of the time, rather than it being the other way round. The only positive thing from this, is Lena's lawyers have told her that some of the texts Andrea has sent, will be very good proof to present to a judge, who will then likely make a favourable ruling towards her. Despite this being a bit of good news though, things have not been all good news, as on the CatCo front Lena has found out that Andrea's lawyers have filed for the sale of CatCo to be halted, attempting to claim that both Lena should not own CatCo as well as it will becoming a sort of monopoly, where Lena has leading the leading tech company, and a major news organisation. There are then claims from this where Andrea is suggesting that Lena would use CatCo to write positive articles about L-Corp, while writing negative ones about all her competitors, including Obsidian North. Lena does find that amusing, seeing as that is what Andrea was going to do. But alternatively, Andrea's lawyers are also trying to stop the sale of CatCo, as they are claiming there has been some sort of corruption, or underhanded deal, which is illegal, that Lena has made with Cat Grant to sell CatCo. Obviously Lena did nothing illegal, but this process is just going to be a bit of a headache, and take longer than Lena would have liked to complete.

Despite all these hurdles that Lena will now have to go through, both on the CatCo front, and on her personal front in regards to custody of Ashley and Natalie, Lena's lawyers have assured her that she has a strong case in both instances. The only problem Lena is thinking about is that she knows that Andrea can clearly be a vindictive person, so even if Andrea knows she is going to lose, Lena expects her ex-wife to stretch all this out for as long as possible, and have her lawyer team try all the legal tricks and loopholes to make this process as difficult as possible for Lena. Of course, Lena knows that her legal team is more than capable of dealing with all this, but even the best lawyers in the world aren't able to do anything about things when the opposing lawyers just try tactics to slow down a case. But communicating with her legal team has not been ideal for Lena today, because while her legal team have been based at L-Corp all day long, Lena has had to go in and out all day, basically just spending time with her lawyers between her meetings, when she really should be taking a break or something. Thankfully, Sam and Jess have managed to stay on top of things for her, with Jess even handing Lena bottles of water, and some snacks, at various points throughout the day.

On the Kara side of things, for Kara today has been hectic so far for multiple reasons too, but nowhere near like the stressful reasons that Lena's day has been hectic. Firstly, today has been hectic for Kara for the simple reason that it's Monday. Mondays for news organisations is always one of the more stressful days, as there is usually just so much to cover. Most news organisations, over the weekends, keep on a minimal staff to post a few things here and there, with it mostly being sport related things. These same staff will also sometimes cover any major breaking news stories which happen over the weekends, but if the story is big enough, then one of the main reporters, who works during the week, will be called in during the weekend. This weekend there was no major breaking stories or anything, so it's a typical Monday, where all the news from the weekend basically gets reported in one big lump today. This, of course, leads to absolute chaos at CatCo on Mondays, as everyone is running about, and trying to meet their deadlines and everything. So today is chaotic for that reason for Kara, but what makes it worse is the fact that Kara has had to squeeze all of her usual Monday work into a much fall span of time, because she is taking the afternoon from 2PM onwards off, so that she can go to L-Corp to meet with Lena's lawyers, to sort out the whole Andrea situation of Andrea suing her. So, today has been pure chaos for Kara. Thankfully, she was able to get through her day, and do all of her work before she left for the day, although it did mean working through her lunch break.

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