CHAPTER 1: Please...

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Thunder roared as grey clouds cover
the sky. Rain makes it way onto the
grounds of Los Angeles, America.

People running to find shelter while
the streets were busy with traffic.
The sound of an ambulance siren wails as it makes its way to the emergency entrance of City Hospital and stops.

The doors of the ambulance were
push open with great force as two
paramedics jump out. Nurses and
doctors were already waiting to help to the patient on the stretcher.

"We have a male patient in critical
condition from a car accident. His
pulse is extremely weak." Cries one of
the paramedic.

Laying on the stretcher was a man
wearing a black tuxedo. His handsome face and body was covered blood.

"We cannot stall here. Bring him to the Operating Room!" Shouts one of the doctors to the nurses.

Each person given their own task as
they rush at full speed to the operating Room.

After the quick disappearance of the
doctors and nurses, a man with a short side parted hair descends from the ambulance.

Despite the white bandages on his head and arm, he was still a handsome man in his twenties.

Yet, his eyes at this moment were
spiritless as if he was in a horrible

He follows after doctors and nurses
into the OR, but unfortunately, he was
stopped outside the operation room.
The nurse that stopped the man asks,

"Excuse me sir, did you come in with
the patient just now?"

The man did not answer. After a few
calls from the nurse did he comeback
from his trance. He looks at the nurse
and spoke in a choked and hoarse
voice, "Will he be okay?"

"I'm not sure, but as of right now, the
doctors and nurses are helping him.
Please go to the front and fill out some
paperwork for the patient." Ushered
the nurse.

Just when the man was about to turn
around, the doors to the operation
room opens and the same doctor from
earlier steps out of the operating room followed by the nurses.

Seeing how quick they were, the man
frown and a deep dreaded feeling
arose in him. He quickens his pace
to the doctor, "Doctor, how is my

The doctor looks at the man with a
sorrowful expression, "Are you his

"Yes, he is my brother. What is it?" The man was eager to know.

The doctor let out a long sigh as he
shook his head. "I'm sincerely sorry. We were not able to save him. His heart stopped the moment we entered the operating room. We had tried our best to bring him back. I hope-."

Hearing what he feared the most, the
man grabbed the doctors collar coat
and roared. "Lies! I don't believe you!!
You're a doctor, how can you not save

Due to the man's sudden attack, the
doctor was shocked and scared while
the nurses try to pull the man away
from the doctor.

"We are truly sorry for this. His heart
was too weak, the impact he received
from the accident cause his heart
to stop. I hope you can inform your


The man falls to the floor, he felt as
if someone had ruthlessness dug his
heart out. His vision blur as he clench
his fists tightly.

"Please save him..."

The man looks up at the doctor, streaks of tears slowly slides down his cheeks.

"My hyung... today is my hyung's
wedding. Please save him... please...."

Happy 26th Birthday to my Lovely Roseanne Park❤️

I changed the palace, City Z to Los Angeles and France to America.

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