CHAPTER 5: First Encounter

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Seoul, Korea; Airport: 9:45am.

It was in the autumn season as the
weather got cooler, at this moment,
outside was currently raining.

People entered and exited the airport,
although, everyone's eyes were shifted to a certain direction.

In that certain direction was a tall
slender man. He wore a tailored fitted grey Versace suit, with a white dress shirt and a black neck tie.

His ink black hair was styled in a short comb over, brown aviator sunglasses sat on his high nose, his thin lip was a shade of peach.

He was seductively handsome, yet he
carried a cold and aloof aura.

Trailing behind him were his assistant
and 5 fully built body guards. Each
person dressed in black, with the Park
crest embroidered on the chest of their jacket.

"Boss, you have a meeting with TB
Corps at 3pm, then a social gathering at Imperial Hotel at 7pm."

The assistant spoke as he tries to keep
up with his boss's steps. 'Why does the
boss have to be born so fast to walk"' He cried inwardly.


A deep voice sounded without
Park Jimin having to open his mouth.
At that same moment, Park Jimin also
suddenly stops.

"Ahh!" A soft voice cries as she bumps
into a hard solid figure.

Roseanne, now known as Rose Han pats away the invisible dust from her
clothes, without looking at the person
she bumped into, she spoke, "I'm so
sorry. I wasn't watching where I was
going. Are you alright?"

Her head finally lifts up to look at the person. "Uhhh.."

The man had an indifferent expression on his perfectly sculpted face.

God must really have spent extra time
in perfecting this man's face to the
point where one glance can make any
woman or man fall in love.

The man wore a grey slim fitted tailored suit and white undershirt
which emphasized his board shoulders and slender body.

At this moment, the man's aviator
sunglasses hung crooked and loosely
on his face. His cold and dark eyes
glare murderously at Rose Han.

Feeling the temperature drop intensely, Rose Han force a smile and apologizes again, "Im so sorry. Are you alright?"

Kim Taehyung was amazed by the woman who just bumped into his boss. She stood at the same height as him at 180cm with her 2 inch ankle booties.

Although she was dressed in simple
attire, she was still the most prettiest
woman he's ever seen!!

Better yet, his boss was one of Korea's
most eligible bachelors also the most
handsomest. And everyone knows his
boss is even a multi billionaire in the
world!! Yet, this woman did not blush
or go insane!!!

"Kim Taehyung get me a new suit."

Park Jimin's deep and cold voice brought Kim Taehyung back from his train of thoughts.

"Yes, Boss!"

Hearing the man's words, Rose Han
pouted her lips and mumble, "What a
rude man."

Park Jimin raised an eyebrow with a glint of danger in his eyes, "What did you say?"

Angry at this unknown specie, Rose Han was no longer going to be nice.

"I said, you are a rude man! I
accidentally bumped into you and
apologized but you are being rude!
Rude, I tell you! Are all the men
nowadays this rude?!!"

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