CHAPTER 170: Cold and ruthless

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Junkyu stare in disbelief and confusion at his grandfather. He could not believe what the old man had just asked.

What did he think about Park Jimin?

Uh... Is the man's name even something to think about?

There is not one person in Asia who does not know the name of Korea's business king. The cold and aloof man is like a legend. Not only is he a like a legend, Park Jimin is multi billionaire and Korea's most eligible bachelor. However, is he the best candidate for his sister?

Even though Rosè Han shows her smile to everyone, Cho Shin was the only man who's been able to put a real smile on her. A smile Junkyu has not seen since three years ago....

Can Park Jimin really give his sister true happiness?

Junkyu looks at his grandfather, "You want Jie to marry Park Jimin ? That man is known to be cold and ruthless...."

Cold and ruthless?

Old man Mo looked at Junkyu. Thinking back to Park Jimin's personality, he couldn't help but agree. Park Jimin is a very powerful businessman, let alone a dangerous man at the same time. However, there's never been any source of scandal about the boy. Even if he is dangerous, he is dangerous for the good not the bad.

"Junkyu, he is not all that bad. I've watched him grow up, he's good as a potential husband for Ah Anne. I plan to introduce them on my birthday."


Junkyu rolled his eyes at the old man's words. So much for asking for his opinion. To think the Old man actually wants to pair his nice sister with the cold blooded man. That's like throwing a bunny into the tiger's lair.

As Junkyu ponder in thought about Rosè Han becoming Park Jimin's wife, he forgot who his older sister really is behind the mask.

"Since you already made your decision, there's no need to ask me, but make sure you tell Jie first. She just moved here, you wouldn't want to drive her away to another country."

Not waiting for a response, Junkyu stood from his chair and walks out of the study room. He's very tired and wants to sleep early. Stopping at the door, he looks at Old man Mo.

"Don't stay up too late. You're still young and handsome, it's not good for your OLD health."

Quickly, he opens the door and bolted out of the room.


Left alone in the room, Old man Mo was even more dumbfounded. He swore, every time he says something to boost his old age, Junkyu would always refute it back as a joke. Shaking his head, he leans against his chair.

Slowly, he takes out the handkerchief he had hid in his pocket. Looking down, the expression in his eyes changed into one of grief and regret.

Dark red blood stained the beautiful white handkerchief with the embroidery words 'yeye' at the corner. This handkerchief was the gift his granddaughter gave him. It was the very piece of design she made when she first started designing.....

Closing his eyes, his lips tremble and his hand tightens on the blood stained handkerchief. He thought about Junkyu's words about Park Jimin .

Even if words spread that Park Jimin is cold and ruthless, he knows the boy. If he can depend on someone with his life, that person would be Park Jimin .

He had hid the truth about his granddaughter being Rosè Han because his daughter and son-in-law asked him not to tell the world. They didn't want their only child to be in danger. To be a Mo and Han, one's life is always in danger. One deals with political affairs while the other dealt with the underworld.

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