CHAPTER 35: Imbecile

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While Park Jimin was enjoying the night view and his cigarette, Rose Han was currently struggling on her king sized bed.

'Oh god! Why must my neighbor be
him?! Why?!'

She tossed and turned under her blanket until her hair resemble a birds nest.

Remembering how the man had seen
her just now, Rose Han wished she
could dig a hole deep into the ground and hide in it.

'Rose Han! You stupid stupid stupid
girl! How can you let that pervert see you?! Oh god!! Now he knows where I
live!! What if he demands money? Or worse.. What if he... ask for responsibility?? Wait, he wouldn't right?'

Her embarrassment took over as she completely forgot that the man had
already seen every inch of her.


Twenty minutes later, she fell asleep
with an embarrassed and heavy heart.


Late into the night while the people of Seoul slept, a tall silvery blue building still had some lights on. This building is one of the top entertainment company in Seoul.

CNJ Entertainment, a name known to
many in Asia. On the 60th floor, there isn't a single person in sight.

But, the faint sound of a man's groan
after releasing his load could be heard from the closed office door at the far end.

Behind the closed door, a middle aged
man was currently fixing his black suit pants, after tucking his grey dress shirt in.

This man was around the age of 45 but he still had a charming face and he had no wrinkles like some middle aged men his age.

He glance at the young figure inside his office, "I don't know why you came, but you shouldn't have acted so careless. If someone was to see us together, it would only be a disastrous headline."

The man fix his black and white stripe
tie and lean on his desk, "I hope you
don't pull this stunt again, Shin Yoona."

Shin Yoona sat on the black leather couch and her hands paused for a second when she heard the man. She glance at him then continue to button her purple blouse.

With an innocent smile, she said, "I couldn't wait, so I had to come see you."

She stood up and adjust her white
flounce skirt down, then she tuck her blouse in.

She parted her red lips and continued
shyly, "Director Yeun, I hope you still
remember your promise to me from
the other night."

Director Yeun has just finished fixing
his tie, when he heard Shin Yoona, he
frown for a second then smile, "Don't worry. When have I ever gone back on my words?"

He took three steps to the young girl
and wrap his arms around her waist,
pulling her closer to his chest.

Shin Yoona's cheeks blush red,
"D-Director... we just..."

Seeing her innocent reaction like a
shy school girl, Director Yeun smirk.

He lower his hands and squeeze her bottom as he kiss her neck. "I just wanted to get a snitf of your
beautiful scent."

"Ah.." Shin Yoona let a soft moan escape her lips.

She wanted protested but before she could do anything, she was gently pushed away.

Director Yeun didn't look at the young
girl again, he walked behind his desk
and sat down, "It's late, you should go now."

Shin Yoona was rendered speechless. She clench her fists tightly at her side.

She couldn't believe that the old man had just pushed her away.

Well, she had wanted to push him away, but who would of thought the man would push her away first!

Was he looking down on her after
having his fun with her?!

Shin Yoona forced a smile and walked over to the man, "Director, about-"

Director Yeun: "I know. As long as
you do your part, I will do mine. Our discussion here is done, you should leave."

Shin Yoona:"...."

Director Yeun had wanted to go another round of their love making
since Shin Yoona Is an easy girl to bed,
but after hearing her bring up their
discussion from the other night, he
wasn't in the mood anymore.

He knew what kind of girl Shin Yoona was.

He's been a film director in the entertainment industry long enough to see how filthy the industry was.

When he first met Shin Yoona, she was only an innocent young rookie starting to bloom.

But, it wasn't until later that he finally saw the real her.

Who would of thought that behind that innocent face was nothing but a wild whore in bed.

It was a huge shock for him at first, but after a while, he didn't care. He got to taste her.

Oblivious to Director Yeun's thoughts,
Shin Yoona wrap her arms around his
neck and leaned down to shyly kiss his lips.

"Then I hope to hear the good news soon." She put on her tan trench coat and walked out of his office.

Once she closed the door, the innocent and pure facade on Shin Yoona's face vanished She glance at the door and scoffed then walked to the elevator with her heels clacking.

"Nothing but an old imbecile."

If it meant a step closer to her dream, she would risk it all. She was a daughter from the wealthy Shin family.

Anything she wanted she would get.

All she had to do was say it.

But because her family's company
didn't deal with the entertainment industry, that was how she came to CNJ Entertainment.

If not for that, with her family's
background she would of long been Asia's number model model and not that slut, Rosé Han.

Shin Yoona sneered inwardly at her

This time, she chose Director Yeun despite his age because he was a famous film director who's won 3 Best Film Awards in the last three years.

She knows that the man is married with kids, but she didn't care.

All her partners were always able to
give her anything she ask in return.

She had slept with single men, men who had girlfriends or fiancés and married men.

It wasn't her fault that these men were so easy to be manipulated.

If anyone was to be blamed, then it would be the girlfriends and wives.

It was their fault for not being able to
keep their man's penis in his pants.

Shin Yoona grinned evilly, not realizing that her face had turned into an ugly old witch.

She was getting closer to dream and
ruining Rose Han .

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