CHAPTER 152: When the time comes

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Sitting inside her white bmw x5m, Rosé Han was pouting her lip.

Earlier when they got to the garage, she had told Park Jimin to go back to work. She even said she could drive herself back to De L’amour, but Park Jimin was stubborn as always. He snatch her keys from her hand and dragged her inside the car.

Since the situation already led to this, she lets out a sigh. Looking at him, she sighs again. She hadn’t told him where to go and yet, he’s already driving.

"Jimin, do you even know where you’re going?"

"Mm." Park Jimin answers without thinking, until it hits him. He forgot that Rosé Han doesn’t know that he knows about De L’amour. He quickly answers, "No."

Rosé Han didn’t hear the ’mm’ but she heard the ’no’. Pinching the space between her brows, she takes a deep breath and types in the address to De L’amour. Leaning back on the passenger seat, she couldn’t but ask.

"Jimin, how are you going to get back to work?"

"You’re car. I’ll pick you up from work."


She stare at him like an idiot. Her car? Then how is she supposed to get home? Not only that, she had planned to visit Junkyu and Haruto in the hospital after work.

Park Jimin, who was oblivious to his wife’s thoughts smiles happily and continues to drive. He was very happy. Starting tomorrow, they should just share one car to work. He’ll drive her to work and pick her up after.


Inside the private room in Seoul's military hospital. Junkyu's eyes tremble before it slowly opens. Seeing the white ceiling he was very familiar with, his eyes water.

He has not been abandoned...

Turning his head to the side, he sees the old figure sleeping on the couch. His wrinkle hand holding a newspaper.


Junkyu's voice was hoarse from lack of water, but Old man Mo heard the boy loud and clear. His eyes opened and he looks at the boy. Quickly, he stands up and toss the newspaper on the couch. He holds Junkyu's hand.

"Junkyu, you’re a wake. How are you feeling?"

Not waiting for a response, Old man Mo runs to the door and swung it open. His old voice thunders out into the hallway.

"Doctor! Nurse! Hurry! My grandson is awake!! Why are you all so slow?!! I said my precious grandson is awake!!"

Just as his last words fell, military doctors and nurses rush in. Each person assigned their own task and checks Junkyu to make sure he is fine.

After the uproar calms down, Junkyu looks around the room to find the person he was hoping to see. Before he lost conscious, he swore he had saw her. However, not seeing her, his eyes sadden.

Old man Mo faintly smiles at the boy, "Ah Anne has work, so she’ll be here later."

"Mm." Junkyu nod in understanding. He knows his sister has her own company to run, so he can’t be greedy. Looking at his grandfather, he parts his lips to speak, "How is Haruto?"

"Haaa— " The Old man sighs, holding Junkyu's hand, he continues, " That boy has suffered. Ah Anne said he’s been taken to Union Hospital and he woke up yesterday, but.... for how’s he doing now, I’m not too sure."


Junkyu didn’t know what to say. However, one thing he knows is that he will visit Haruto when he’s better. Not only that, he knows his sister will not let Haruto suffer in loneliness. If anyone can pull someone from darkness, that person is his sister.

Sitting at the side of the bed, Old man Mo looks at Junkyu. His mind couldn’t help but think about what happened to Haruto.

Haruto situation is like Junkyu's back then. Even though it was he and his wife who took Junkyu in, it was Rosé Han who pulled Junkyu out of the darkness. It would be good if Rosé Han can help Haruto too...

However... he can’t help but worry about Rosé Han. His granddaughter has been helping people escape darkness, but when the time comes, who will help pull her out of the darkness?


Outside of De L’amour, Park Jimin parks the car right in front of the door entrance. He looks at the dark building and he frowns.

He knows that Rosé Han owns De L’amour, but why is the building not even half the size of Park Corps. Not only that, he’s driven pass ML Clothing and it’s bigger than this puny building.

Rosé Han looks at Park Jimin and she held in her laugh. She knew what was on his mind. It was written all on his frown. Gathering her things, she smiles.

"Jimin, don’t judge a book by its cover."

She spoke in a calm voice, then she unbuckles her seatbelt. While Park Jimin was still frowning over his wife’s small company, she leans over to him. Catching him by surprise, Rosé Han pecks his lips.

"See you later."

Not waiting to see his reaction, she bolted out of the car.


Watching his wife disappear into the dark doors, he sighs. How he wish she can be in his line of sight, every second of the day.

Entering De L’amour, Rosé Han takes a deep breath. She glance at the time and she sighs again. It is 5 minutes till 2pm. That means she’s been at Park Jimin's company for almost 2 hours. Ahh... what kind of boss is she to go out for such a long lunch....

What Rosé Han did not know is that in secret, Park Jimin had already notified Jeon Jungkook about keeping his wife at his office longer.

"Boss, you’re back already?"

Jeon Jungkook calls out as he grins like an idiot. He looks at Rosé Han then covers his mouth and giggles like a little girl.

"Heheh, Boss, you could have stayed a bit longer to enjoy your ’lunch’."

His brows twitching upwards as if hinting something to Rosé Han.


Rosé Han looks at her assistant. He actually changed out of his beggar outfit from earlier into a more stylish and put together outfit. Shaking her head, she walks towards the elevator. However, when she walked passed him, she smacks Jeon Jungkook's head.

"Since you stopped looking like a beggar, stop joking and get back to work."


Jeon Jungkook laughs heartily and caress the part of his head Rosé Han smacked. It was like a small pat on the head, but he made it look like it hurts very much. Still laughing, he follows behind his boss.

From the behind, Ryujin had just come back from the ladies room and she was dumbfounded. She had witnessed her boss hit assistant Jeon on the head. Yet, the man was not one bit angry. Instead he laughed like a crazy girl and follows after.

Shaking her head, she sits down and starts working. Even though she just started working at De L’amour, she knows that Rosé Han and Jeon Jungkook hold a strong bond. She once heard Lim Zoe say the two were in a secret affair, but to Ryujin and everyone else, their bond for each other was more like close siblings.

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