CHAPTER 171: Very warm

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Continuing into the night. Jade Condos was peaceful and quiet. Inside penthouse 1503, the lovely and cute couple, Rosè Han and Park Jimin laid asleep peacefully.

*ring ring*



Rosè Han slightly adjusts her sleeping posture at the sound of the phone. While Hank, who laid asleep near her feet on the king size bed makes a low growl. His beauty sleep was disturbed.

On the other side, Park Jimin slowly open his eyes. Looking at his wife who slept peacefully in his arms, he lightly kiss her forehead. Slowly, he moves his arm, making sure not to disturb her even more. Sitting up, he reaches for his phone that was constantly ringing.

"Kim Taehyung."

His voice was hoarse and very low, but in a seductive way. With one knee bent, he rest his elbow on it as he pinch the space between his brows. He is annoyed that Kim Taehyung decided it was the best idea to disturb his wife's beautiful sleep.

From the other line came kim Taehyung's voice quickly sounds in.

["Boss, it's urgent news."]

Hearing this, Park Jimin's eyes dimmed. Turning his head, he looks down at his sleeping wife. Seeing her still peacefully sleeping, his expression softens. Park Jimin slowly gets out of bed, he fixes the comforter on his wife. Then putting on a robe, he grabs a cigarette.

As Park Jimin walks towards the balcony, Inu's ears perk up at the sound of the door opening. He quickly wakes up, but sees the evil peasant only. Looking around, he sees his mommy still asleep, so he quickly goes back to sleep.

Outside on the balcony, Park Jimin lit the cigarette. He leaned against the glass rail.


["Words just came. A gang from Los Angeles has enter Korea."]

Not effective by his assistant's words at all, Park Jimin leisurely continues to smoke his cigarette.

"Locate their whereabouts and find out their purpose for coming to Korea."

["Yes, Boss!"]

Park Jimin ends the call and brings the cigarette in his hand to his lip. Thinking of Kim Taehyung's sudden report, his expression turns even more dark.

Los Angeles is in America and Seoul is in Korea. From his time in taking down gangs from the underworld, he knows the rules of the dark world. A gang from another country cannot set foot in another country, unless it was for business.

Doing so is like stepping into another gang's territory uninvited.

However, this gang actually crossed the line to come here. Unless....

"Why are you out here?"

Park Jimin broke from his thoughts at the sound of the angelic voice he loves. Looking up, he sees Rosè Han walking towards him in a night gown with both her arms crossed because of the cold breeze. His heart softens seeing her beautiful face. Killing the cigarette in his hand, he throws it away.

"I was on the phone with my assistant, did I wake you up?"

Rosè Han looks at the man. She had to admit, Park Jimin is just too good looking. Even a simple robe made him look extremely outstanding. Sometimes, she even wonders why men are more prettier than women.


Suddenly, a cold breeze brush against her exposed skin making her shudder. She quickly use her palms to rub some warmth onto her arms.

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