CHAPTER 7: White

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Uncle Luo glare at Haruto, but calmed
himself. "She is someone you should
never offend. No one in imperial can
afford to offend her." He said his piece
and walks out the double glass doors.

Haruto was rendered speechless but also curious. The beautiful lady was not only beautiful, she even own one of the keys to Jade Condo's most expensive penthouses.

Each floor of Jade Condo consist of
10 condos, but it was only the 52nd
floor that only has 4 penthouses and
they were the best of the best in all of
Imperial only billionaires can accommodate those 4 penthouses.

Reaching the 52nd floor, the elevator
ding in arrival with the doors open.

Rose Han leisurely stepped out.

She scan the floor and realize the long
and wide hallway with white walls.
What was more eye catching was that
there were only 4 doors.

The white walls brought natural
lighting into the hallway, as the doors to each housing were dark gray with the same color border around. Both sides of the doors had tall windows.

Each housing number was carved in
gold onto the door, on top the peep
hole. On the one side was two doors almost side by side, whereas across was the same. At the end of the hallway was two double glass door with the sign 'pool and roof access' on the side.

Rose Han walked to her door, which
was the second door to the left. She
wondered if the other floors were as
elegant as this floor.

Inserting one of the black house keys
into the key hole, it clicked and the
door unlocked.

Entering her new temporary home, she was dumbfounded by its view.

The flooring to her Residence was
glossy white, with white walls.

The living room had floor to ceiling
windows all around. The view of
Imperial could be seen from any part
of the living room windows. Two white mid-century couches were set in an almost L-shape, a white tub chair in one part, With a rectangular marble coffee table. Under was a large white fur carpet. A 50" smart tv was placed on a long white tv stand.

The kitchen was separated from the
living room by a white marble wall
island, 4 white stools sat on the outside.

The cabinets were also white with
silver pulls. The only color beside white in her kitchen were the silver fridge, silver oven, silver microwave, and the silver air vent on top of the black top stove.

Across the kitchen was a dining room
with a black dining table and four
white parsons chairs.

She sighed at how white her housing was. But she also liked it because the natural lighting contrasted with the white made the place look more brighter and not gloomy.

Satisfy with the living room, kitchen
and dining room, she walks to the
hallway to check on the rooms.

To an even more surprise, she realize
that her place has 3 bedrooms!!
Like the walls, the rooms were white.

The first room was on the left connecting to the kitchen wall. It was
bigger, assigned as a guest room, which she will make since there was already a queen bed inside. All she has to do is buy new pillows and sheets to add some color to the room.

Surprisingly, one whole wall of
the guest room was floor to ceiling
windows. Seeing this, Rose Han couldn't help but frown as it's view was none other than her neighbor's. The only good thing was there's an automatic curtain setting for privacy.

Across from that room on the right,
was the guest bathroom. It's wall
connecting with the dining room. The
bathroom lhad a shower, toilet and
sink. Yet it was bigger than normal

Walking forward, next to the guest
bathroom was another bedroom, just
that, this bedroom was slightly smaller than the guest room and like the guest room, one whole wall was floor to ceiling windows.

Rose Han could guess this room must be the smallest despite its irregular size.

She decided she'll turn this room into
her walk in closet and office, since her
career requires her to always deal with fashion.

Passing the room, she finally reached
the master bedroom.

Her new bedroom.

Opening the door and walking in, her
eyes were on the verge of popping out.

The room was the size of her guest
room and walk in closet put together!

First door on the left upon entering the room was the master bathroom, it had a shower and a huge bathtub. There was an adjoining door for the toilet.

The only thing bugging Rose Han was the huge window which she was sure would allow her neighbor to see her when she bathes.

She'll definitely buy curtains!!! Who
knows what kind of people her
neighbor is!

Across from the bathroom was the
closet, which happened to bigger than
she expected, but she guess she'll use it as extra storage for now.

The rest of the room was all floor to
ceiling windows, the only walls in the
room were the wall next to the closet
and another small wall on the left
where her king size bed covered in all
white was.

There was also a double glass door
near the bathroom door leading to an
outside balcony. The only downfall
for her was that the patio connected
with her neighbor's. Only a glass wall
separated the two balconies.

If one wanted to go over, they d have
no problem at all.

After a few rounds of touring her new
place, Rose Han decided to sleep since
she was waiting for Jeon Jungkook to bring her things.

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