CHAPTER 142: A new trend

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At De L’amour, Lim Zoe arrived to work and quickly gathers all the design drafts for the meeting. She walks towards Rosé Han's office. Like usual, she knocks first then enters.

"CEO Han, I have all the drafts ready for—"

Before she could finish, she froze in place. She stare in wide eye at one of the couches in her boss’s office. Quickly, she rubs her eyes. Still seeing the figure, she looks at her Boss.

However, she was dumbfounded. Her boss at this moment was calmly typing on her computer. She was not even bothered by the figure on the couch.

Was this really her boss? Her boss who is a workaholic and doesn’t allow anyone to slack off? Is this a dream? Was she seeing things?

"What is it?"

Rosé Han spoke as her eyes remain fixated on her computer screen.

Lim Zoe clear her throat and walks to Rosé Han's desk. She sets a few folders with the design drafts down.

"These are the designs for today’s meeting."

Rosé Han stops typing and reach for one of the folders. She opens it and scans through the designs. She nod her head at some pages and frown at some, but she did not say a word.

She scanned through a total of ten folders in fifteen minutes. Setting the last folder down, Rosé Han looks back to her computer screen and starts typing again.

"Everything seems fine. You may leave. There’s still thirty minutes until the meeting."

"Yes, CEO Han."

Lim Zoe turns to leave, but she suddenly stops. Quickly, she glance at the couch then turn back to face her boss. Her mouth open and closed to say something, but nothing came out.

From the corner of Rosé Han's eyes, she could still see her secretary’s figure. She stops typing and glance at Lim Zoe with an indifferent expression.

"Anything else?"

Lim Zoe felt a sudden cold chill go down her spine when her eyes met her boss’s. It was always those bluish green eyes that made her feel scared. As if those eyes could see straight into one’s soul.

Quickly diverting her eyes, Lim Zoe takes a deep breath to calm her imagination.

"CEO Han, as your secretary, I think you shouldn’t allow assistant Jeon to casually sleep at work, especially not in your office. Words might travel about you and assistant Jeon."


Rosé Han didn’t say anything but look at like Zoe. She calmly leans back on her chair and slightly tilt her head. Her eyes never once leaving the woman’s eyes.

Lim Zoe became even more nervous after she finished what she wanted to say. She couldn’t bring herself to look at her boss at all. To her, it was as if the temperature in the room had turned negative degrees. However, she already said what she wanted, so why stop there. Plus, her Boss wasn’t saying anything, so that was a sign for her to continue.

"CEO Han, don’t take what I said to the heart. I’m just trying to help you from allowing others to spread rumors. I’m just looking out for you. You know I’ve been here—"

"By ’others’, do you mean you?"

Rose Han arch a brow and her calm voice interrupted Lim Zoe. However, one can definitely hear the coldness in her tone.

Lim Zoe bit her lower lip, then she nods her head, "CEO Han, what I mean is—"

"What you mean is, if I keep treating Jeon Jungkook this way, everyone here at De L’amour will say I’m favoring him?"

Lim Zoe: "....."

Rosé Han leans forward. Both her elbows on her desk and her chin rested on her intwine fingers. Her eyes locked on Lim Zoe's.

"I pay you to be my secretary, not to question me. However, from what I’m getting from you, is someone who thinks to highly of themselves. You say you’re helping me? By doing what? Complaining? Have you seen any of my employees coming into my office and complain about you?"

Lim Zoe: "....."

Lim Zoe was rendered speechless. She complained because she hated how Rosé Han treated her and Jeon Jungkook so different. Jeon Jungkook's work wasn’t much except follow Rosé Han around. Why is he more favored?

Rosé Han sneers inside. She already know what was on Lim Zoe's side. Ignoring the stupid woman, she continues to type on the computer.

"If that’s all, you can leave."

"Yes, CEO Han."

Lim Zoe bows and quickly turns to leave with an ugly expression. Walking pass the couch, she glares at Jeon Jungkook. He slept like he was at home in his comfy bed. She sneers and walks out of the office. However, before she could even exit, Rosé Han's voice sounded from behind her.

"Lim Zoe, don’t take what I said to the heart. As your boss, I’m helping you by giving you an advice. Also, think before you decide to do something. Don’t think I don’t know about the flaws that goes around MY De L’amour."

Rosé Han made sure to emphasize the word ’my’. Who was Lim Zoe to question the way she handles her employees? If Rosé Han wanted to, she could get rid of the stupid woman. The only thing keeping her here is because Lim Zoe is the mole ML Clothing planted.

Oblivious to Rosé Han's thoughts, Lim Zoe shivers as she didn’t know what to say. Nodding her head, she quickly leaves the cold office. Closing the door, she walks in fast steps to her desk and sits down. Lifting her right hand, she bites her nail. It was a habit of hers when she’s nervous.

’Could it be? Does Rosé Han know about what I’ve been doing? No.. that can’t be. I’ve made sure to destroy all the evidence.’

Thinking till there, she gets her phone and looks around. After making sure no one is around, she sends a message to someone.


Back in Rosé Han's office. She continues to work on the computer, "You can get up now."

"Hmmf. Who does she think she is?"

Jeon Jungkook who was ’sleeping’ sat up with an annoyed expression. He had woke up when he heard the door open, but he decided to pretend to be asleep. He didn’t expect that Lim Zoe was so thick skinned and spoke to Rosé Han like she was superior.

"Why don’t you just get rid of her? She’s a nuisance to De L’amour."

Rosé Han glance at her assistant. She wanted to laugh at his angry and sluggish appearance, but she decided to hold it in. Looking back to the computer screen, she clears her throat then spoke.

"I’ll let her do what she wants for now."

Jeon Jungkook frowns, "Why? You already have all the proof you need to get rid of all those scheming foxes."

"It’s not so bad to let them enjoy their life now for a bit. I want to wait until the fashion show to see what they’ve come up with. It is them, who gave me the chance to kill two birds with one stone."

Listening, Jeon Jungkook's eyes widen, "You mean..."

"Lim Zoe has been giving our fall fashion designs to ML Clothing."

Jeon Jungkook: "Hmmf. Can she any more stupid? She’s been working for you for three years. How does she not know that ML Clothing is under De L’amour."

Rosé Han: "Jeon Jungkook, you know that not everyone here knows that truth. Only those I brought from Los Angeles knows."

Jeon Jungkook: "I know, I know."

Standing up, he stretch and prepares to leave, "Thanks for letting me get some shut eye. I’ll go prepare for the—-"

His eyes glance to the window, then taking a double look at the window again, he was dumbfounded.

"Boss!! *sob* how could you not tell me I look like a beggar?! *sob*"

Rosé Han: "Beggar? I think this look suites you quite well. Like.... a new trend."

Jeon Jungkook: "....."

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