CHAPTER 160: Super friendly

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Park Jimin looks at his younger brother. His eyes glaring viciously at the man. Not saying a word, he stood from the sofa and walks out to the backyard. He needs a cigarette to calm himself.

From the livingroom, Jay Park was dumbfounded. His eyes followed his older brother until the mighty figure disappears from view.

He frown, then taking out his phone, he dials a number. After two rings, someone picked up from the other line. However, he didn’t wait for the person to answer, he cuts in.

"Hey, what’s wrong with my older bro today? Did someone offend him?"


"Hello? Kim Taehyung? Hello?"

["Nothing is wrong with boss. He’s perfectly fine and healthy."]


["If that’s all, please excuse me. I have some paperwork to finish for boss."]


Listening to the sound of Kim Taehyung ending the call, Jay Park was dumbfounded. He moves the phone from his ear and looks at it, then he looks in the direction his older brother went.

Outside, Park Jimin sat on a chair in the patio. He stares out to the open back yard of Park Household. When his eyes landed on the white fluff ball running and jumping with freedom, his mind couldn’t help but wonder to his wife.

Rosé Han had told him about Beauty’s request for her to model. At first, he didn’t find anything wrong with the idea. Even if she wasn’t a model anymore, if she wants to model, he will support her fully. Anything she wants to do, he will always be on her side.

However, it later dawned on him that his wife was going to be in a magazine. Imagining his wife beautiful face in a magazine, he couldn’t help but eat vinegar. This magazine is very famous in Asian and with his wife in it, just how many bees will come buzzing in her way....

Not only that, for the past few days, he had purposely used more force during their intimacy. Taking her under him roughly. His plan was to tire her out and make her unable to stand, which did happen. She could barely walk after he was done with her. But who would have thought, she’d escape in the morning before he even woke up.

Then, his father called and told him to visit the Park Household. His cousin was visiting. So, left with no other choice drove here and also reluctantly brought his enemy along.

As much as he didn’t like the furry beast, he knew the little guy was probably tired and bored of always staying home alone.


Park Jimin takes a deep breath, then he takes a puff of his cigarette.

"I wonder, who is it that has the capability to make my cold cousin sigh?"

The sound of a woman’s voice trail from behind Park Jimin. Calmly, he sat up and turn to look at the woman. His expression emotionless as usual. This woman is his only girl cousin from his mother’s side.


Yang Jennie grinned at Park Jimin. She walks over to one of the chairs and sat down. Looking out to the yard, she shriek in joy.

"Oh my gosh! It’s a Jack Russell Terrier!!!"

Park Jimin arch a brow at his cousin. He’s never asked Rosé Han what kind of breed Hank was, but his cousin knows? He turns to look at Hank who was running in the open yard, chasing birds that land on the grass.

"Park Jimin, where did you get this dog? Do you know how much he cost? Not only that, they love attention and they are super friendly."

Hearing his cousin’s description of  Hank, Park Jimin was dumbfounded. Loves attention? Yes, the little guy loves getting attention from his wife. Friendly? Uh, maybe only towards his wife.

However, he didn’t say anything except shrug his shoulder indifferently.

Yang Jennie turn from Hank and looks at Park Jimin. She sighs inside seeing the handsome man, but with that cold expression on him, she sighs again. It’s no wonder he hasn’t found himself a woman and got himself a dog. That look of his can make any women fall for him, but at the same time, it can scare them away too...

Then again, she’s found the right woman for him. It did take her a long time, but she knows she’s found the perfect woman for him!

She leans forward and grin at her cousin.

Seeing his cousin’s movement, Park Jimin didn’t falter one bit. He arch a brow as if saying, ’What?’

"Park Jimin, I found the perfect woman for you!"

"Not interested."

"Why? She’s beautiful, like very very very veeeery beautiful. If you meet her, you will fall for her right away!"

’Only my wife is beautiful in my eyes.’

Park Jimin thought the words, but he didn’t say it aloud. He wanted Rosé Han's approval before he tells his family members about their relationship.

Oblivious to her cousin’s thoughts, Yang Jennie continues her bragging, "I swear, she’s the perfect woman. No woman can compare to her."

Park Jimin: "....." ’My wife is perfect. No one can compare to her.’

Yang Jennie: "She has the best personality."

Park Jimin: "....." ’My wife has the best personality.’

Yang Jennie: "You will fall in love with her when you meet her."

Park Jimin: "...." ’I’ve already fallen in love with my wife.’

Yang Jennie: "I’m telling you Park Jimin, you won’t be disappointed. Ha—"

Jay Park: "What are you guys talking about?"

From the door, Jay Park walks out and interrupts Yang Jennie words. He sits in the seat next to his cousin and nudge her with his elbow.

"Tell me Jennie, what were you telling my older bro?"

Yang Jennie glares at Jay Park. She was in the middle of introducing her best friend, Rosé Han to her older cousin. How dare this puny cousin of hers interrupt her. She slaps Jay Park on the head, "I was introducing my best friend to Park Jimin. Why couldn’t you just wait a few more seconds before interrupting us!"

Jay Park: "....."

He was really dumbfounded. He stare at his cousin with heavy eyes as he rub his head. Isn’t he her cousin too? Why isn’t she introducing her friends to him?

He pursed his lip, "Jennie, I’m your cousin too." Then like a light bulb switched on, he grin and lean to his cousin, "Let me meet this friend of yours. Is she pretty? Come on, don’t hide the details."

Yang Jennie looked at her cousin and snorted, "As if I’d show you. You change your women like you change your clothes. If anyone, why don’t you try Bae Irene. She seems very interested in you."

Hearing the name, Jay Park shiver in goosebumps. He motion a gag, but nothing came out.

"My dear cousin, how can you throw such a lowly woman to this mundane emperor and give the goddess to the heavenly emperor? So unfair."

This time, it was Yang Jennie who stare with heavy eyes. Mundane emperor? Heavenly emperor? Just what is her cousin talking about?

Park Jimin stare at the two people. He sighed inside. How can he have such busy body family members? Killing the cigarette in his hand, he stood from his chair and walks back inside the house.

Hank's ears perk up, he looks in Park Jimin's direction, then he walks to rest under a tree. Since the evil peasant hasn’t called for him, that means he can still play after he wakes up from his nap.

Only thing missing, was his favorite peasant. Just how great it’d be if his mommy was here.

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