CHAPTER 179: A Fan

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Chen Mina led Rosè Han to a private room on the first floor of Moonlight. Stopping by the window, she turns around.

"Rosè Han, I will get straight to the point. Why don't you come work for me here at Moonlight? It'll be of great benefits to you. I can help you keep your rank as a supermodel."

Hearing this, Rosè Han arch a brow in amusement. Her sudden expression cause Chen Mina to think her words had convinced Rosè Han. However, Rosè Han's lip curl upwards into a smile that sent chills down Chen Mina's arms.

"That's very nice of you, but..." Rosè Han tilt her head slightly to the side, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Chen Mina smiles, "Ah Yes, the pay salary right? If you come work for me, I will give you a cheque for 1 million each month."

She smiles at Rosè Han again. One million yuan is a large sum a puny model has barely seen. Anyone who's given the chance to receive this much money will definitely not turn the opportunity down.


"One million in US dollars? That's quite a large figure there."

Rosè Han spoke as she cross one arm over her chest and touch her chin with her other hand. She knows Chen Mina meant in won, but still... She is quite surprised that Chen Mina is more cunning than she had thought. However, she is a multi billionaire already, Chen Mina's so called 'large sum' is really nothing to her.

Standing across from Rosè Han, Chen Mina who was full of confidence was struck dumbfounded. She had suggested the price in won not US dollar, how did Rosè Han...

"Miss Chen, I understand your need of models, but don't you read the papers? I retired when I moved here."

Rosè Han looks at Chen Mina, thinking of how dumb this woman is, she shook her head.


Seeing the shake of head, Chen Mina clench her fists. Her eyes glaring at Rosè  Han as if they were knives sent to stab the woman. No one has ever turned her proposals down. Everyone values her as a highly distinguish figure, yet, this puny nobody model is looking down on her. Taking a deep breath, Chen Mina tried to maintain her smile.

"Rosè, how about it? If the amount is too small, I can raise it to any number you want."


Rosè Han stare at the woman like she was an idiot. Now, she understands why her other branch companies betrayed her. It was all because of Chen Mina's  bribery. Seems like, once the fashion show is over, she'll need to get rid of those people as well.

"Miss Chen, we are not familiar with each other for you to address me by name."

Not waiting for a response or reaction from Chen Mina, she turns to leave the room.

"Miss Han, I suggest you agree to my terms and work for my ML Clothing. It's for your own good."

Chen Mina was pissed. She had been nice to Rosè Han, but all she got in return was the cold shoulder. She's going to demolish De L'amour at the fashion show. Once that happened, Rosè Han will be out of job. Did Rosè Han not stop to think that she, Chen Mina can also ruin the model's career?!

Of course not!

Rosè Han stopped in her steps hearing Chen Mina's words. Staring at the door, her red lip curls upward. Not turning around, she speaks her words.

"Miss Chen, I will say this to you, remember WHO has MORE authority than you do here. It's for YOUR own good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to report back to De L'amour."

Saying her words, Rosè Han didn't want to waste another second with the idiotic woman. She leisurely exits the room and head towards Jeon Jungkook and Lin Jihyo.


Rooted to the ground and dumbfounded again, Chen Mina stare at the spot Rosè Han was just standing. She couldn't help but think of Rosè Han's words. It was like a warning to her....

Could it be?

Could there really be someone higher than her in ML Clothing?

Lifting her hand to her mouth, she starts biting her nails. Her expression turns pale as she ponder in thoughts.

"CEO Chen, are you alright?"

Chen Mina's assistant enters the room and ask when she saw her boss's pale look.

"Ying, I want you to find everything about De L'amou and Rosè Han. Also, confirm with Lim Zoe, I need to know if there is no one higher than me here."

"Yes, ma'am."


The doors to Moonlight opens out and three figures step out. Rosè Han walks towards Jeon Jungkook's car with a straight face.

"R-Rosè Han!"

A girl's voice trails from behind them. Rosè Han turns to look and sees an employee from Moonlight. She nods her head and smile.


The girl hesitated for a moment, she glance up at Rosè Han with her cheeks flushing red, then she lift her hand out. It was a pen and notepad.

"I know you are no longer a model, but I'm still a huge fan of yours. Can I please have your autograph?"

Rosè Han looks at the girl and smiles with her straight white teeth. She nods her head and takes the pen and notepad.

"Of course. I'm glad to know I still have a fan."

Seeing Rosè Han sign the girl's notepad, all the workers from ML Clothing ran out with there to get an autograph too. So did the people passing by when they realized it was Rosè Han and not some random woman.

"Please sign mine too!!"

"We love you Rosè Han!"

As the crowd got bigger, Jeon Jungkook and Lin Jihyo could only try to block the fans from pushing forward.

Jeon Jungkook looks down at Lin Jihyo and he sighed. If he knew it was going to be like this, he would have told Min Yoongi to come with them instead of the small and petite Lin Jihyo.

Not only that, he has a date tonight with Lisa Choi. What if he accidentally gets a bruise? Even worse, what if he has to cancel his only chance getting to go on a date?

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