CHAPTER 141: The footage

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In the center of Seoul, Park Corps’ dark and high building stood like a mighty king.

Inside, Park Jimin sat on the couch in his office. His back leaned on the couch and his arms crossed over his chest. With one leg crossed over the other making a four figure, he stare indifferently at the man across from him.


Kim Taehyung nervously swallow his saliva. He looks down at the laptop in his arms, then he takes a deep breath to steady himself.

"I wasn’t able to get everything, but I was able to retrieve a small footage from the warehouse."

He sets his laptop on the table and opens it. Turning it on, the screen quickly loads and he taps a button to open a window.

"The footage is from the time you and Wolf Team heard the gun shots."

Kim Taehyung quickly press play and turns the laptop to his boss. Like he was in a volcano, sweat slowly form on his forehead. His entire body becomes more nervous as he watch his boss’s expression.

Park Jimin watch the video and each second that passed, his brows furrow tighter together.

The video was very staticky, the figures in the video were not clear, but one could still faintly see who was foe. The video shown was as Kim Taehyung said, Park Jimin and his team had just stepped into the warehouse.

There were six remaining men from Ghost Gang, including Ti Lung. Laying unconscious wasn’t just Haruto but another boy too. Standing in the center of the room was another figure...

Seeing the figure, Park Jimin's eyes narrowed. If the video was clearer, they would have been able to see the person’s face. However.....

Ti Lung seemed to have shouted something that made all the five men point their guns and shoot at the figure in the middle.

Like a movie suddenly come to life, the figure dashes towards the man on the right. The figure dodges the bullet and swiftly, right foot on the man’s knee, the figure jumps up and legs wrap the man’s neck.

The figure’s hand at the same time reach for something on his leg and then blood squirt out as the first man is stab in the heart. The figure quickly grabs the man’s gun in his hand, leaps down and a bullet shoots to the man across in the head.

The figure didn’t stop there, but quickly dash for the remaining men. Another bullet shoots the third man in the heart. When the man fell to the ground, the figure sends another bullet to his head.

Like a shadow in the dark, the figure dodged all the bullets sent to him. Grabbing the fourth man’s hand with the gun, the figure’s body swings over around the man and sends a bullet to the head.

As the fifth man fires his gun, the figure’s head dodge to the left, then a bullet is sent to the fifth man’s head then heart. The fifth man falls and the figure leaps for Ti Lung. However, the gun in the figures hand ran out of bullets. Throwing the gun, it hits Ti Lung on the forehead, making him stumble and falls backwards. The figure moves faster and snatch his gun from his hand.

Ti Lung half sat on the floor behind his desk and looks at the figure. His mouth opens and closed, saying something, but because cctvs don’t capture sounds, Park Jimin didn’t know what Ti Lung had said.

Continuing to watch, the figure sends a bullet to Ti Lung’s heart. Quickly moving, the figure dashes for the boy beside Haruto. Lifting him up, the two figures jumped out of the window. Then after a few seconds, Park Jimin's figure appears at the door followed by Kim Namjoon.

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