CHAPTER 115: Entire night

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Morning came quicker than expected. Rosé Han woke up at 6:30am to an empty bed. Sitting up, she thought about last night.

After their beautiful dinner, they had stayed at Rosewood Hotel to enjoy the scenery before coming back to Jade Condos.

Unexpectedly, they did not do the deed. Park Jimin had said he’ll let her rest. Thinking of his words, she chuckles. Of course she wasn’t going to do it with him, especially not when Hank was sleeping with them.

For the entire night, she slept in Park Jimin's arms and Hank slept by her other side. It was as if she had two body guards keeping her safe from the enemies.

Getting out of bed, she walks to the bathroom to wash up and brush her teeth. Then she furrow her brows. Where is Hank?

Walking out of the bedroom towards the living room, the front door unlocks. Rosé Han turn to face her two knights in shining armor.

Hank rushes in with Park Jimin following behind. He bends down to unhook the leash on Hank then change out of his shoes.

Being released and free, Hank ran for his life to his mommy.

"Woof! Woof!"

Rosé Han looks at her baby and chuckles. He was panting and barking, as if telling her about his time outside. Squatting down, she pats and run her finger through Hank's soft and white fur.

"Had a good time?"

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

’Mommy!! That peasant is crazy! He wouldn’t stop running!!!’

Hank was extremely tired, he rubs his head against his mommy’s then turns around to drink some water before going to lay down on his bed. Unlike the noble king he always was, he slumps onto his bed with a ’poof’.



Rosé Han didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Standing up, she looks at Park Jimin and cross her arms over her chest.

"What did you guys do?"

Park Jimin wore his house slippers and walks over to the couch. Unzipping his windbreaker jacket, he hears  Rosé Han question. Pausing, he looks at the already snoring Hank, then he chuckles.

"Nothing, we just went for a run."

Hearing the world ’run’, Hank who was asleep jolted awake and glares at Park Jimin. His expression saying, ’Run my head! You said it was only a potty break for this king! Who knew that a peasant like you would run nonstop!!!’

Hank scoffs and goes back to sleep.

’This noble king is too tired. I will deal with you when I wake up! Hmmf!’

Rosé Han smiles at the conversation between her boyfriend and baby. She somehow felt, Hank liked Park Jimin more he likes her. As if the two actually understands each other...

"Did you two really just go for a run? Why is Hank so tired?"

Park Jimin shrug his shoulders, "Just a run."

However, what Rosé Han did not know was that, this run lasted for 2 hours without any stop. Park Jimin was always a morning person who enjoys running in the morning. Since he couldn’t eat his wife’s tofu last night because of his enemy, he decided to test the animal. Who knew the little guy would see it as torture. Didn’t dogs like to run?

Removing his jacket, Park Jimin walks over to Rosé Han and kiss her forehead, then he pecks a kiss on her lips.

"Did you miss me?"


Rosé Han stare at Park Jimin with no words processing in her head. She just woke up and finished washing her face and teeth. Was she supposed to miss him the moment she wakes up?

"Uhhhh..... was I supposed to?"


Park Jimin grip behind Rosé Han's nape and kiss her again, this time deepening their kiss. He had missed her when he went out for his morning run. How could she not miss him too?

Pushing him away, Rosé Han blush with glaring eyes.

"Jimin! You’re cover in sweat, go shower!"

Hearing the word shower, Park Jimin eyes lit up. Looking at his wife, he grin seductively. However, to Rosé Han, that seductive grin was sinister. One that a person makes when they’ve thought of an evil plan....

Taking a step back, she plans to escape, but unfortunately, Park Jimin was quicker. Scooping her up in one swift move, he carries her princess style and heads to the bedroom.

"Ahh! Jimin! Put me down!"

Park Jimin grin like a fool in love. "Mm. I’ll put you down."

However, he didn’t, he just continued to walk towards his destination with a struggling Rosé Han. Since he couldn’t have her for dessert, he’ll have her for breakfast.

With one foot, he shuts the door closed. He didn’t want to be disturb as he takes his wife into sweet land.

As Park Jimin unclothed himself and Rosé Han to ’shower’, Hank who was left outside was not bothered by it at all.

Well, it was more like he couldn’t. He was so tired that he fell into a deep sleep. Laying on his back, his head sticks out of his bed and he snore into dreamland

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