CHAPTER 3: Why...

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The black Rolls Royce comes to a stop
after multiple turns. Jeon Jungkook did not speak a word throughout the whole drive.

"Jeon Jungkook, What are you thinking?" Roseanne was angry, but not to the point it touched her bottom line. She guessed Jeon Jungkook must have his reasons.

Looking out the window, she was
puzzled. Eh? Why are we in front of Los Angeles Hospital?"

Confused, she stared outside, until
her eyes landed on a slender figure
walking towards them. She crease her
brows intensely.

The man had bandages on his head
and arms. He was in extremely sorry
state. But she knew exactly who this
man is.

"Joshua? Why is he here? And why is he like that?"

As Joshua Hong approach the car, each step he took was like heavy pain to his heart. He took a deep breath before.reaching out for the door handle to the back seat.

Opening the door, he was greeted by
the beautiful girl, except her facial
expression was filled with confusion.
Seeing her in her wedding dress, he felt like someone suffocated him.

"Joshua, why are you here? What's going on?"

Joshua Hong hesitated for a quick second before he gather himself together.

"Roseanne.." He knelt down in front of the open back seat door to be at eye level with Roseanne.

He tried to softened his voice as much
as he could, gathering every ounce left in him, "I can't find any other way how to tell you. but he is no longer with us. Shin passed away."

The world seemed to have slow
down for Roseanne. It was like darkness devoured her whole world.

As if time just stopped.

Her world came crumbling down
hearing what Joshua Hong said.

'No longer with us...'

'Shin passed away...'

Those words repeated in her head.
Roseanne's hands began to tremble, her eyes became blurry, yet she fought back to hold in her tears.

She won't believe it.

She won't believe Joshua Hong's words.

"Lies..." she forced an uttered in

Watching her, Joshua Hong knew how she must be feeling at this moment. He took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. "We got into an accident on the way to the church. Shin's heart stopped when we arrived in the hospital.. Roseanne, I'm so sorry."

Not believing him, Roseanne gets out of the car, pushing Joshua Hong to the side and runs towards the hospital entrance.

She won't believe it.

He promised he won't leave her.

He had promised!

Watching Roseanne running towards the hospital, Joshua Hong close his eyes and clench his fists tightly.

He stand up and he took a step towards the hospital, but stopped, he spoke to Jeon Jungkook who was now crying loudly inside the car.

"You did good, Jungkook." Then he forced himself to walk towards the direction Roseanne went.

Patients, nurses and doctors stare with curiosity as they see a beautiful girl ina white wedding dress run through the hospital doors.

The loud sound of her clanking heels
attracted many people's attention, but
the girl did not seem to care at all.

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