CHAPTER 56: Dinner

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For the first time in his thirty years of
living, Park Jimin was dumbfounded by a woman.

He glare viciously at the door.

This was the second time since their encounter that the woman dare to slam a door at him.

Just who was he?

Many people fear him, and yet, this woman treats him like some fool.

He lower his head and looked at the grocery bags in his hands.

A deep frown appear on his handsome face and his lips pout.

Was his idea... a mistake?

Rose Han leaned against the door and
tried to catch her breath. She got her
heart and thought, 'Why is he here? Did I somehow anger him by walking around his car?'

Suddenly, her eyes shot widely open
and cover her mouth as she gasp, 'Oh
go! My grocery bags!'

How could she have forgotten about them!

She hadn't even had the chance to eat dinner!

Patting her chest, she whisper to
herself, "Rose Han. Get a hold of
yourself. You got this!"

It was now or never. Her Yeye told
her that those who show fear will only be consumed by their own fearful thoughts.

And as her Yeye's granddaughter, she is a strong woman!

Taking an extra deep breath, she gathered all her courage and open the door.

The monment her door opened, and she came face to face with the devil.

She wanted so badly to slam the door shut again, but she thought about her yeye's words again and held herself back.

She looked the man in the eyes with
her bluish green eyes.

Her aura completely different from earlier.

Clearing her throat, she pointed to the
grocery bags in Park Jimin's hands, "Are those mine?"

Park Jimin stood unmoving from his spot.

Just like the her, he stared back at her.


Hearing him, Rose Han's eyes shook for a second. 'Oh god! Why does his voice have to sound so appealing too!! So unfair!'

Shaking off the thought, she reach her arms out to take the bags.

As if the man outside was just a delivery boy.

"Thank you, I can take them from here."

Before she could even touch the bags,
she was struck in the head by his next words.


His voice was very sexy and a little

Any woman would fall for a handsome man with a seductive voice.

With her hands pausing in mid air,
Rose Han crease her brows at the man, "Eh?"

Park Jimin maintained his supreme
mastered poker face, "I haven't had

"......"and what does that have to do with me?

of course, she didn't say it out loud.

She pursed her lips and turn her head
to look at the wall clock; 7:45pm.

It's was getting late, and she was

She also needed to unpack.

Glancing at the grocery bags in Park Jimin's hand, an idea came to her.

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