CHAPTER 63: Take reponsibility

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Jade Condos stood like a pillar under
the painted blue sky glistening with
golden rays of light from the rising sun.

Inside Rosé Han's penthouse, she woke up exactly at 7am.

Her arms stretch out and she purr like a cat on her soft and comfortable king sized bed.

Sitting up, the blanket covering her slid down revealing her naked upper body.

However, her attention was not on herself, but the empty spot next to her.

There was no sign of wrinkles at all.

Recalling the image before she doze
into slumber, Rosé Han scoff in

So, after last night's 'deed' he really did leave.. But what could she have done? Ask him to stay?

No, she wouldn't let that happen.

It was partly her fault for letting things get out of control too. She had already decided that if he was to leave, then she wouldn't blame him.

Shaking the thoughts away, she lift the
blanket and sluggishly makes her way to the bathroom.

She pursed her lips in frowning and cursed inwardly at Park Jimin for not even showing her a tiny bit of mercy.

'That damn man! How can he have so much stamina?!'

Her body ached all over, even in the places that shouldn't hurt.

After Rosé Han finished with the toilet, she washed her hands and reach for her toothbrush.

Squeezing the toothpaste, she glance at her reflection in the mirror and her entire body turned into a statue.

The ends of her mouth twitch and her eyes fell out of their sockets.

Was this really her?

Had she always looked like this in the morning?

For gods sake, even she couldn't
recognize herself in the mirror.

Her hair that was supposed to be in a bun, now looked like a birds nest. It looked like she had gotten into a cat

Her lips were swollen red and her fair
skin was covered in red love marks, especially on her neck and chest.

She let out a long sigh and put her hand holding the toothbrush on her hip, while she lift her other hand and pinch the space between her brows.

Every time she wakes up in the
morning, she never cared to look
carefully at herself in the mirror.

But now that she saw herself, she really envies those women in movies who would wake up in the morning and still looked on point.

Thinking of something, she chuckle in her own foolishness.

No wonder he left.

If she was him, she would probably leave too.

Who would want to wake up first thing in the morning to see a crazy looking person next to them.

Ignoring her crazy appearance, she
brush her teeth and step into the shower.

Last night, she didn't get to shower
because after Park Jimin ate her tofu,
she was too exhausted and fell asleep right away.

While showering, the warm water
from the shower head pour onto her
skin, making her body relax.

Her mind drifted to how she saw him leave out of the room and how she woke up alone on the lonely king size bed.

It was clear that the man had gone
back to his penthouse.

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