CHAPTER 189: Ma, Dad

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Reaching Los Angeles cemetery, Rosè Han steps out of the cab. In her hand was the bundle of astilbe and yarrow flowers nicely coordinated together.

"Miss, do you want me to wait here for you?"

Turning to look at the old man, she smiles, "Thank you. I won't be long."

Turning back to face the cemetery, she steadily walked forward. As she pass each tombstone, she could remember her ten year old self. The little her who didn't know anything.

Before she knew it, her feet stops in front of a tall gray tombstone. In the center was a portrait of a couple. The man sat in a chair, while the woman stood behind and her hands place on the man's shoulder.

If one was to see this picture, one would see the resemblance Rosè Han has to the couple.

Staring at the picture, Rosè Han squat down and place the bundle of flowers down. Shifting her position, she sat on her knees.

Lifting her hands, she place one on top of the other and kowtow once, then the second time and third.

Sitting back up, she takes her sunglasses off, and caress the picture. Slowly, she trace her finger on the nicely engraved calligraphy; Han Joon and Mo Roona.

"Dad... mom... How are you doing?"

She stare at the picture in silence for a long time, as if she was listening to her parents tell her how they are doing.

"Dad, mom... I have something to tell you..."

Lifting her hand, she place it on her stomach and caress it. Out of all the people in her life, the people she wants to tell first about her news would be her parents.

Her parents who gave life to her.

"Dad is going to be a grandpa and mom is going to be a grandma."

Staring at the picture of her parents, she smiles faintly with watery eyes, "I will tell my child the stories of my time with you both. I want my memories with my wonderful parents to be shared with my child. Be it now or in the future, your memories will live on..."

As she spoke her words, her lip tremble and her eyes looked to her mother.

"Ma... what should I eat and not eat? How should I prepare for this child? What do I do before I give birth? Does giving birth hurt?"

Moving her eyes to her father, a tear slowly slides down her cheek.

"Dad... what stories should I tell my child? How should I guide my child on the right path? Who will teach my child the things I can't...?

Lifting her trembling hand, she covers her mouth and sob. She didn't care about her image. In front of her parents, she is still a child.

A child who had to grow up because she couldn't let others look down on her...

A child who had to grow up without the love of a father and mother...

A child who had to learn about life the hard way...

A tall white building stood in the center of Los Angeles. Given the natural lighting outside, the building emitted a glistening white metallic color.

Standing indifferently in front of a window in private room inside H International was Park Jimin. Both his hands in the pockets of his suit pant as he waited patiently. Well, at least trying to.

He has been waiting for almost an hour. He, who is known as the king of the business world is actually waiting.

After what seemed like forever, the door finally opens and a man enters the room. Like a painting come to life, Park Jimin turn to look at the man.

The man smiles and stretch is hand out. He had heard stories of Park Jimin and how the man handled the business world, but never would he have thought Park Jimin to be this good looking.

"CEO Park, its a pleasure to meet you. I am Kang In-sung, please follow me this way."

Park Jimin shook the man's hand and nod his head. He follows the Kang In-Sung out of the room.

As both men walked towards the elevator, the employees inside were curious about why the almighty CEO in the business world is here. However, no one dare to speak their minds, everyone maintained their feelings and continue to work.

Seeing this, Park Jimin felt a little envy. His envy was towards the CEO of H International on how the man had such good employees, who minded their own businesses.

Entering the elevator, Kang In-Sung glance at Park Jimin. He couldn't help but nod his head. Such a man like this, it's no wonder he is known for who he is. Even just standing next to Park Jimin, he could feel the intimidation emitting.

Then remembering something, he sighed inside. Their CEO has not given an answer. The best he can do now is stall time for his boss.

The elevator stops and the door slides open. Kang In-Sung steps out with Park Jimin closely behind.

"Please, this way."

Park Jimin arch a brow in amusement. This floor was not like the others. It was a long hallway with a door at the very end.

Walking up to the door, Kang In-Sung punched in a code number on the door lock.

*click click click click*

The sound of multiple locks unlocking echo through the quiet hallway.

Park Jimin frown when he sees and hear this. Just what is this room for the CEO of H International to have it highly secured. From the sounds just now, there's no doubt that this door it highly technical built.

The door wasn't pushed open as it automatically opens by itself. The lights inside turned on as Kang In-Sung enters the room with Park Jimin following behind.

Seeing the inside of the room, Park Jimin's frown deepens. Why is he brought to an empty room? There were no furnitures, just a plain room with white marble walls and a huge floor to ceiling window.

"My boss is currently unavailable at the moment, but as a very important guest of my boss, my boss agrees to let you see L'amour de ma vie."

Kang In Sung spoke as he walks towards the middle of the room. However, when he stop, the ground opens into a circle and a round showcase glass is brought up.

"My boss is still unsure whether to sell this ring or not. However... my boss trusts you enough to let you see it."

Which was half the truth. His boss doesn't know that the person wanting to purchase this ring is Park Jimin . However, he needed to stall time and if it had been anyone else, he would never let the person near this ring.

Park Jimin is a cold and ruthless man, but he is a man of his words. Plus, he would not step so low as to steal a ring.

Hearing this, Park Jimin's cold and indifferent face arch a brow. Stepping forward, he walks up to the round glass case.

Sitting in the center of a pillow was the beautiful and perfectly define diamond ring anyone has ever seen. It's crystal glistening as light shines onto it as if making one blind.

Looking at the ring, Park Jimin felt it was the perfect match for his wife. A one of a kind ring.

L'amour de ma vie.

As Rosè Han is the love of his life.

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