CHAPTER 47: Three years

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Oblivious to what was going on outside his office, Park Jimin stood facing the floor to ceiling window, gazing out to the vast sky.

His assistant had sent him a message
saying a vixen was outside his door
and she brought along her evil spirits.

So he shouldn't leave his office. So naturally, he would go along with his assistant.

He had just gotten his desk changed and office sanitized so how can he let some woman enter his office again.

Who knows what she plans to do.

Park Jimin glance at the folder, Kim Taehyung brought and he chuckled to himself.

All morning, he had been eating a jar
of vinegar because of some unknown
man that turned up at his woman's door.

After reading the report, it turns out he had ate vinegar over nothing.

The unknown man was none other than his woman's assistant.

From the report, it was stated that they met eleven years ago when she was studying overseas and the man became her assistant one year after their meeting.

With a deep sigh, he felt as if something heavy in his heart was finally lifted.

Placing his hands behind his back, he stare back out the window with the smiling image of Rosé Han in his mind.

He smiled at the thought of her and whisper in a seductively voice,

"Rose Han.... you will be mine."



Inside her white BMW x5m, Rose Han
suddenly sneezed.

"Eh? Who's talking about me?!"

She ponder at the thought until her
eyes lit up at the sudden view in front of her.

Her lips curl upwards and her entire soul softened.

Unlike the rest of Seoul, on both
sides of the road was nothing but vastly open grass fields.

One would think they were in the country side, but it wasn't.

She slow down her speed and enjoy the peaceful view.

Memories from her childhood floated in her head like clouds in the clear blue sky.

Just when she wanted to keep enjoying the the view, she had to stop her car.

She stare at the tall black metal gate.

A bulky man dressed in a military
uniform steps out of the guard booth,
with a QBZ-95 in his hands.

He was a good looking man in his early thirties, but the crease between his brows gave him an intimidating look.

"Sorry, but this is private property.
Please-" he spoke in deep hoarse voice, but before he could finish, his eyes shot open and he squeal like a little girl,

"Young Miss!"

Rose Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She cleared her throat and nod
her head.

"Mm. It's been a long while."

Rose Han smiles at the guard, she
wanted to laugh at his sudden change
of voice, but decided to let him keep his dignity.

"Haha, this subordinate apologies. I almost couldn't recognize you."

The guard chuckle and scratch the back of his head.

"The general and young master have
been waiting for your arrival."

He returned to the guard booth and
and opened the automatic metal gates.

She looked to the guard and gesture
him to keep quiet.

"Don't notify them that I'm here."

The guard stood rooted to the ground
watching Rose Han's white car slowly

Closing the metal gate and the guard chuckled to himself.

The Young Miss has grown more
prettier from the last time I saw her'

Realizing his thoughts, he blushed and clear his throat.


The Young Miss said to not inform
the mansion?

Oh god!

Just how shocked would the general and young master be?!!

Driving on the long pavement, Rose Han felt that everything was like a
beautiful fairy tale come to life.

On both sides of the road were rows of cherry blossom trees.

Only thing was, these cherry blossom trees have yet to bloom because of the season.

Her lips curl upwards remembering
her childhood.

Back then, her parents would bring her here every year just to watch the cherry blossoms bloom.

It was a memory that will forever be
engraved in her heart.

The road curve into a circle and she parked her car.

She looked at the beautiful structure house as she gets out of her car.

Actually, to call this structure a house
would be an insult to it.

As, it was an elegant detailed Spanish style mansion.

It has dark green bushes lining
elegantly against the exterior walls of the mansion.

It was beige in color with red tile roofs, and countless windows around. Red cement stairs welcomes it's guest to the huge front door.

Rose Han let out a deep sigh taking in
the sight of such a beautiful mansion.

'It's been three years since I last came here.'

She had once asked the owner why he
chose a rural place to build his home.

And his answer was, "I want to live in peace. Far away from people's cruel minds."

At the time, she was only 8, so she
didn't quite understand the meaning behind those words. But now... she understands. She also wants to live in peace.

Closing her car door, she walks up the
stairs and stops in front of the huge brown double doors.

She hesitated on ringing the doorbell.

Taking a deep breath, she press the

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