CHAPTER 99: Hurry up, peasant!

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Inside her car, Rosé Han couldn't wait to get home. She wants to see her baby! With all the new things she bought, Hank will definitely love all of them.

*ring rng*

'Mr. Jeon, the great is calling'

Rosé Han sighed when the voice activation sounded who was calling. She needs to remind herself to change

Not reaching for her phone, she shakes her head hearing the alert again and press the answer button on the steering wheel.


["Boss!! It's me!!"]

["Hello? Boss? Ohhh~~ Boooosssss"]


['I said it's me, how come you didn't

"I know it's you. What is it?"

['Heh heh, uh Boss, I have to make a
quick run somewhere, so... can I drop Hank off?"]

"Mm. I'll be home in fifteen minutes."


Hanging up, Rosé Han felt all kinds of
emotions stir inside her.

She had Hank ever since Shin passed away. Hank was a life's blessing for her, keeping her days busy and distracted.

Every time she sees Hank, she could remember the first time they met. Her baby was so tiny and cute.

At first her baby didn't get like her, he acted like a mighty king looking down her, who was his 'slave'.

His expression would say, 'Feed me,
you peasant!" Or 'Hurry up, peasant!"

But as their time together grew each day, so did their bond. Thus, allowing
love to bloom.

He was the one who kept her sane.

Rosé Han smile in excitement thinking about her baby. Just a few more minutes and she can finally be reunited with.

'Shit!! I forgot all about Park Jimin!'

Rosé Han for the first time in her life regretted so much for being someone who could careless about things.

She has spoken about Inu in front of
him. but... 'Shit! What if he's back

Reaching for her phone, she wanted to call him, but remember they never exchanged numbers or IG, she cursed inwardly,

'Ahhh!!! How can I not have my own boyfriend's contact at all?!'

Park Jimin had left in the morning before she woke up, so she couldn't tell him about Hank.

'Will he be okay? Will he like Hank?
What if he doesn't like Hank? What if Hank  doesn't like him?! Oh god!'

Feeling a storm slowly rising, Rosé Han steps on the accelerator, she needs to increase the speed of her car so she can get home fast.

'Who knows how things will end up!!'

At times like this, she really wish she was in one of her fast sports cars!

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