CHAPTER 2: I'm so sorry...

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Somewhere in the middle of Los Angeles, a tall grey building stood its ground. Inside a condo, a woman with Brown shoulder length hair stood by a tall open window.

She wore a long mauve pleaded dress
outlining her protruding stomach, she
was currently 7 months pregnant. She
is a beautiful woman with a gentle
aura but at this moment she was
frowning due to the heavy rain.

"What are you sulking about?" A
deep voice sounded from behind the

The man was handsome and
seductively charming. His dark long
hair was neatly tied into a bun. He
wore a fitted black tux, shaping his

Hearing the voice, the woman abruptly turns around as she pouts her lip.

"Honey, earlier it was sunny, why
would it just rain all of a sudden?! The
weather forecast lied!"

"Jisoo sweetheart, be careful. Don't
harm our child." The man gestures
Jisoo to not move so fast since she was pregnant.

"Hmph! It was just a beautiful day a
while ago, how can the weather change so quickly!" Jisoo was clearly annoyed and angry at the weather for lying.

It was currently summer!

Kin Seokjin did not know whether to
laugh or cry upon hearing his pregnant wife. He could only shake his head.

"Jisoo, lets get-"

*Ring ring*

Before Kim Seokjin could finish, his
phone rang. He glance at his phone as
it showed on the caller id, 'Joshua Hong'.

Knowing who the caller was, Kim Seokjin did not hesitate at all to answer,

"Joshua, why are you calling? Jisoo and I are just now on our way."

Kim Seokjin waited for a reply, but he did not hear anything from the other
line. He furrow his brows, "Joshua, why are you not answering?"

[From the other line was a low choking whisper voice,
"Hyung.... lost.. battle..."]

Not quite understanding, Kim Seokjin sighed, "Joshua, speak properly. I
can't understand you. Are you crying?
I know you are sad because your
favorite hyung is getting marry, but you should also —"

Cutting Kim Seokjin off, a loud roar
sounded from the other line.



Kim Seokjin froze in place.

The entire condo turned into a dead
silence, Jisoo looks at her husband.
For some unknown reason she did not
have a good feeling about this phone

"Honey, what is it?" She spoke worriedly as she looks at Kin Seokjin,
who's face is suddenly drained of all
colors. Hearing his wife's voice, he reluctantly ends the call, even if the other line hadn't hung up. Kim Seokjin looks at Jisoo.

An intense amount of indescribable
feelings exploded in his heart. He was
at a loss for all words.


How is he supposed to tell Jisoo?


Outside, the rain was now pouring
more heavily onto the ground.
Inside of a small Studio that was
brightly lit inside, a grown man sat one the floor as he hid in the back of the dark hallway, his silent sobs were quiet but dreadful to anyone who hears.

At this moment, he did not care if he
looked like a horrible mess. He clench
the phone in his hand tightly.

"What am I suppose to say to her...?"

["Find an excuse and bring her here,
I'll tell her."]

Crying and hiccuping, the man could
only make a "mm" sound.


Hearing the sound of the opening door, the man quickly wipes his tears and nose with the sleeve of his expensive tailored maroon tux as he stood from the ground. He forced himself to calm down and steady himself, knowing deep down he was torn into pain.

"Jeon Jungkook?" A soft voice spoke from a far, yet close distance behind Jeon Jungkook.

Taking a deep breath, Jeon Jungkook turns around and smiles, "Wow, you look absolutely stunning!!"

In front of Jeon Jungkook, stood a peerless and beautiful girl with skin as white as snow. She wore a pure white wedding dress.

The top piece of the dress was fitted
with laces, outlining her slender waist, as the full puffy skirt was made with tulle. Her long blonde hair was bun loosely behind her nape, leaving loose strands of hair to frame her stunning face.

The most attractive part about her was her bluish green eyes, that reminds one of waters that surrounds the islands in the ocean.

Even with her neutral makeup, she
was still as pretty as a painting, making many men and women turn their heads upon seeing her.

"Jeon Jungkook, are you okay?"
She spoke with a worried voice seeing
Jeon Jungkook's red eyes and nose.

"Mm-hmm." Jeon Jungkook nods his head.

"I'm just very happy right now."

'You can do this Jeon Jungkook. Stay strong!!'

Inside a black Rolls Royce, Jeon Jungkook  took the driver seat and in the back seat, sat the beautiful girl.

Despite the heavy rain, a warm smile
was place on her lip as she stares out
the window. Her mind wondered off to thousands of memories.

Today was her big day and the happiest day of her life. She can finally share the same surname as him.

"Roseanne, I forgot something at my
apartment, is it alright if we make a
quick stop and get it?"

Roseanne smiles, "Mm."

She was in a great mood today, so
having to make a quick stop wouldn't
ruin anything.

What she did not know, was that, Jeon Jungkook who sounded normal was silently crying in the driver seat.

His heart ached so much for her. She was in a great mood today, so
having to make a quick stop wouldn't
ruin anything.

What she did not know, was that, Jeon Jungkook who sounded normal was silently crying in the driver seat.

His heart ached so much for her.

After a few turns, she realized they
had passed the turn to Jeon Jungkook's apartment.

Confused, she spoke, "Jeon Jungkook, you missed the turn."

Jeon Jungkook: "....."

Ignoring her, Jeon Jungkook continued to drive without answering her.

"Jeon Jungkook. Where are you going? Your apartment is back that way."

'I'm sorry Roseanne.. I'm so sorry..' Jeon Jungkook said to himself.

To inform you, I changed the husband and wife to Jin and Jisoo

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