CHAPTER 157: Woman to mingle

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Jeon Jungkook falls onto his bed. He was very exhausted. Earlier, after he witnessed his boss run for her life back to De L’amour, he ended up being alone and stuck in traffic. Instead of going back too, he drove home. Resting his eyes for a bit, he rolls out of bed until he falls and sits on the floor of his apartment.

"Hmmmm.... I’m so hungry...."

He slowly stood up and drag his tired body to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he sighs...

"Ahh... how can I not have food at all... *sob*..."

Crying inside, he change out of work clothes. Wearing black sweatpants and a white sweater with De L’amour in black cursive, he leaves his apartment.

Instead of driving, he jogs to the nearby convenient store to buy drinks and some noodles. He pays the old man at the counter and leaves. Walking back, he sighs hopelessly.

His boss has found a new love and here he is, still single with no woman to mingle.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Baby, let’s talk. I know I messed up, can’t you give me another chance? Please."

"No! I’ve given you chance after chance. I don’t want to be with you anymore."

Jeon Jungkook stops in his steps and looks in the direction of the woman and man’s voice. The two people stood in front of the stairs to his apartment. Looking at the good looking man, his expression was indifferent, but seeing the pretty woman, he arch a brow.

"Baby, please! I promise, I won’t screw up this time."

The man grabs the woman’s hand and pulls her into a hug. However, the woman struggles in the man’s arms.

"Stop! No! Stop it!"

"Come on. I know you miss me. Don’t lie to yourself."

The man leans forward and kiss the woman, however, before he could, a hand grabs the back of his collar. Pulling him backwards and away from the woman.

"If possible, this one would like to get home to eat. Please be courteous and move."


Both the man and woman stare in wide eye at Jeon Jungkook. He looks at the man and shakes his head. Then he looks at the woman, seeing her moisten eyes, he sighs.

"Lisa Choi, you should pick your men wisely. If not, do things in private. Single people like myself have been eating too much dog food."

Not wanting to stay any longer, he leisurely walks up the stairs. He wants to get inside his apartment so he can eat. However...

"You son of a bitch."

The man quickly steps forward and reach his arm out to grab Jeon Jungkook, ready to throw a punch. But Jeon Jungkook reacted faster.


Before the man knew it, he was flat on the ground. Except this time, his hands were covering his nose in pain.

Jeon Jungkook looks at the man and shakes his head.

’So weak...’

He turns around and walks up the stairs. From behind, Lisa Choi was speechless. She looks at the man and then up at Jeon Jungkook. Not waiting, she quickly follows after Jeon Jungkook. Who knows what the man will do to her when he’s fine.

"Jeon Jungkook! Wait!"

Hearing the woman’s voice, Jeon Jungkook stops and turn around to her. His expression was tired and looked like one who just wanted to go home and sleep.

"What is it?"

Lisa Choi looks at Jeon Jungkook and she smiles faintly, "Thank you for back there..."

"It’s not my place to say, but you should really be careful with the men you choose to date."

Not waiting, he walks to his apartment door. He unlocks the door and enters.

Outside, Lisa Choi watch the man until he was gone in sight. She sighs and then enters the apartment next door to Jeon Jungkook's.


"Wroof! Wroof! Wroof!"

Rosé Han stood at the side and watched the human and dog’s interaction. Her fair face at this moment was red as she tried to hold herself back from laughing out loud.

She and Park Jimin had just returned home, but the moment they walked through the door, Hank has been going in circles around Park Jimin. It was as if the white fluffy ball was lecturing the man.

"Woof! Woof!"

Park Jimin stood expressionless in the middle of the livingroom while Hank circles him. He takes a deep breath and pinch the space between his brows.

"Look. It was she who took long."

"Woof! Woof!"

’You dare blame my mommy?! You just wanted to take her away from me!!’

"Why are you blaming me? It wasn’t my fault.

"Woof! Woof!"

Park Jimin looks at the dog, then he turn to look at his wife. His expression saying, ’You’re not going to help me?’


Rosé Han couldn’t hold it anymore and laughed her heart out. She could not believe the conversation between the two. Walking over while still laughing, she squat down and hugs her baby.

"Don’t be mad at Jimin. It was mommy who took long at work."

Hank glares at Park Jimin, as if saying, ’You’re pretty lucky this time!’ He rubs his head on the side of his mommy’s face. Then looks at Park Jimin again before turning away with a scoff.

Rosé Han couldn’t help but laugh again. Standing up, she takes Park Jimin's hand and guide him to the couch.

"Okay, let’s change the bandage on your hand, then we can eat dinner."


Park Jimin's eyes lit up when his wife took his hand, but hearing her words, he pursed his lips. Reluctantly obliging, he sits on the couch. He watched his wife’s every move. From the time she got the first aid kit to her putting a new bandage on his hand.

His heart couldn’t help but soften. He loves it when her attention is fully on him. Leaning forward, he smiles warmly and captures her lip, catching her in surprise again. However, when his lip touched her soft lips, he couldn’t help but want her. In a swift scoop, he carries his wife up.



Rosé Han drops the first aid and quickly wraps her arms around Park Jimin's neck. She was afraid she’d might fall.

Hank quickly runs to rescue his mommy from the evil peasant. However, because it was so sudden, he stumble between his legs as he runs.

Whereas, Park Jimin ignores the two and head towards the bedroom.

Passing the kitchen, he uses the same trick on Hank again. The same one when they first met. Grabbing a dog treat, he toss it back towards the living room.


’Let my mommy go—-oouuu food!’


In Park Jimin's arms, Rosé Han stare dumbfounded at her baby. She could not believe he had fallen into Park Jimin's trick again.

Walking forward, Park Jimin grins ear to ear. He doesn’t mind having his dessert first, then dinner.

Hearing the bedroom door closed, Hank who was chewing the dog treat was dumbfounded.

He could not believe he had fallen for the same trick again!!!

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