CHAPTER 100: I've been tricked!!

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A white BMW x5m drifted through Jade Condos parking garage. With a pro-expert, the car was parked nicely in the parking space.

The driver side door flung open and Rosé Han bolted out of her car at lightning speed.

Reaching the front door of Jade Condos, she wanted to hit herself.

'Shit! I forgot about the things!'

Turning around like a speed boat, she runs back to her car and open the trunk. Grabbing everything she bought and the food, she quickly shut the door and runs back to Jade Condos.

"Hi Haruto! Bye Haruto!"


Haruto was having a good day, he had
finished all his homework in advance
so he can enjoy his time when he gets
off work.

However, seeing his goddess running in, he didn't know what to say.

Moments ago, he had seen his role model and now his goddess? Could his day possibly get any better?!!

Inside the elevator, Rosé Han pinch the space between her brows and tap one foot on the ground One... five.... twenty.

Ahh! Could the elevator be any slower today? She's in a rush!!

*ding!* the elevator door opens.

Running to her door, Rosé Han set some bags down and fumble through her Hermès Birkin bag for her keys. She could feel small beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

Unlocking the door lock, she swallow her saliva and open the door. Slowly, she peaks her head inside.

Seeing no one, she sighed, 'Good, he's
not back yet.'

Seeing something, her eyes lit up. At
the far end of her living room, near the floor to ceiling windows, she sees a white and brown fluffy ball sitting in his bed like a noble ruler.

It's thick triangles ears perking upwards with fur and its distinguish furry tail lays on the floor in relaxation.


Tossing all the bags to the floor, she rush insides with open arms. Hugging the familiar soft and chubby body of her baby, Rosé Han grinned happily.

She plants kisses and rub his cheeks against her baby. Her baby was the best teddy bear!!

"Oh Hank! My favorite Jack Russell Terrier!! How I missed you so much! No one can tear us apart now!"

Rosé Han moves away to look at Hank, then due to her being too excited, she hugs him again and rubs her cheeks against him again.

"Ahh!! My baby is soooo soft and fluffy!"


"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Rosé Han stare at Hank confusedly, now realizing that her cute Hank was not paying any attention to her...

"Baby, what's wrong? Tell mommy."


Tilting her head, Rosé Han follow Hank's beautiful ink eyes.

When her eyes landed on the spot Hank was looking at, she felt she had become the worlds most idiot person walking the earth.


"Favorite? No one can tear you two apart?" a deep and cold voice sounded.


The tone of this voice was so dangerous, it sent a chill to Rosé Han's

She struggle a hard gulp, she could even feel an imaginary bead of sweat sliding down from her temple to jaw, "W-When did you get there?"

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