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(The end of this chapter contains a brief sexual assault scene and a discussion about it afterwards)

It was great to see everyone back in Glee, it was incredibly nostalgic, and I was glad I could be my last moments with all of my friends. Everyone had come back, even Quinn who hadn't been able to make it for Finn's memorial, which absolutely broke her. We hadn't talked much, but mainly because her main goal is to become valedictorian of her class at Yale, which for a cheerleader, wasn't the easiest task. I did, however, know she had a boyfriend, Biff. I hadn't actually met him yet, but I had seen him whenever Quinn and I Skyped, and I automatically didn't like him. I walked into Glee, and the room was extremely chaotic but my eyes still managed to land on Blaine instantly, and the empty chair in the front of the room next to him. I sat down in it, and the second I did, there were two upset faces in front of me.

"Sami, that's my chair." Rachel said, a very forced smile on her face as she expected me to move to the back.

"And this is my fiancé, so unless you want to marry Blaine, which you already tried, Rachel, and we all know how that worked out, I suggest you find somewhere else to sit." I smiled, mimicking hers as she begrudgingly sat in the back of the room, but Mercedes stayed, just staring at me expectantly.

"Do you want to get up on this, Mercedes?" I asked, pointing to Blaine who's eyes widened.

"Fine, guess I'll make my way to the back of the bus." She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, you do not get to use the race card to make me feel bad for you." I laughed, as she sat in the chair farthest away from Rachel.

"If you ever ask someone if they want to get up on me again, I'm gonna have to rethink the whole proposal thing." Blaine whispered, and I grabbed his cheek.

"You thought it was hilarious." I smiled, kissing him briefly before Mr. Schue started talking.

"One Hundred Lessons." He sighed, and Puck interrupted.

"Hey, could I get Finn's plaque when we clear this place out?" He asked, and I raised my hand.

"Speaking of which, I never got my jacket back, Puck." I said, glaring at Puck briefly.

"I didn't take the jacket." He scoffed, and I turned back around.

"I'm not saying you did, I'm just saying I want it back before I go to New York. I won't be mad, someone can literally leave it on my doorstep anonymously, I don't care, I just want it." I shrugged, and Mr. Schue ignored me, which made me slightly suspicious.

"The plaque stays here. Lillian & Finn belong here at McKinley. It means so much to me that so many of you came back on such short notice to celebrate the past few years to sit in this room one last time and sing. Your assignment, is to sing one of the songs we sang in here, but reinvented in some way. Way back in the old days, when I started the Glee Club, I would give an assignment, and then I would give a demonstration of what I was looking for." He smiled, and my eyes widened.

"You all cheer now, but just wait till he starts rapping." Santana said, and I was on the same page.

"Please, god, don't rap." I muttered, and Santana nodded her head slowly.

"Okay, no hip-hop today, girls. However, I have asked a very special person to come join me. It seemed appropriate since her contributions helped save Glee Club. Please welcome, all the way from Broadway, Miss April Rhodes!" Mr. Schue laughed, and a short girl with a pixie cut walked in and everyone from the old club started cheering.

"Who is that?" I whispered to literally anyone around me.

"She once taught me how to shoplift meat in my vagina." Tina answered, and I scooted my chair away from her slightly.

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