Chapter 1: The New Job

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I'm not where I thought I'd be at twenty-four. I imagined I would have a 401K and health insurance. I figured I'd have a husband and maybe even be talking about children at this point. I expected to be getting a job promotion. Though, I suppose that last one is sort of true.

I'm starting a new job tonight. It's at a much higher end place than my last one. I just never expected I'd be excited about stripping. Yes, dancing on a pole taking your clothes off, stripping. Life's dealt me a pretty shitty hand and I used to hate myself. I used to feel like a sell out and whore.

I've long since grown an appreciation for the women who can have the mental strength to whore. Even though I haven't gotten there I've started to enjoy the adrenaline rush that comes from a roomful of people seeing nothing but you. It's also so nice going home from a nights work feeling utterly exhausted. There's something so satisfying knowing you worked hard for every penny you earned. Or should I say crisp single?

The new club I'm starting at is catered to rich bitches. I had to have an extensive tryout and interview phase to be considered. However, all of that will be worth it when I'm getting twenties shoved into my G-string instead of one's.

I wish I could say I started stripping because I wanted to feel powerful. I wish I could say I started stripping because it made me feel empowered. Instead, I started stripping because I needed as much cash as possible. Even if I sold my soul to an office job that payed well, it wouldn't explain the large cash withdrawals I have to make every month.

Regardless, I'm drifting off into my thoughts. Now that I'm walking through the back doors of the Magnolia club I should really focus. I've already talked with the manager, Dave, to decide on my name and theme. Starlight. Dave had given me a list of colors that weren't taken. I've always loved silver so I decided to go with that.

This place is insane. My last place was more of a bar than a "gentleman's club" as some like to call them. You could smell the BO and stale beer the second you walked in. It was practically impossible to find a spot that wasn't sticky and disgusting with dried alcohol.

Here, however.........holy shit. It looks like I'm in a celebrity's ginormous dressing room. Our space to get ready used to be a tiny little run down room with a bunch of old lockers. Now I'm looking at multiple gorgeous couches, chairs, and even a sectional. There's a wall with twelve mirrors on it. Each mirror had a little plaque on top of it with names. My eyes were instantly drawn to the one that said starlight. In front of the mirror was a modern vanity.

I walked forward absolutely awe struck. I sat in the comfortable chair and stared at the beautiful, yet undoubtedly, expensive silver wig sitting atop the vanity. It had its own little head statue it sat on. I opened the drawers to discover top brand makeup of every kind in the top drawers. In the bottom drawers there sat beautiful sets of silver, sparkling lingerie of all variety. I'm awestruck.

I had my trusty duffel bag filled with Walmart lace lingerie. Stuff I had bought for my last job. I can't believe this right now. There's even a gorgeous silk, silver robe hanging off the back of my chair.

"You must be Starlight," a soothing voice suddenly spoke beside me.

I spun around, yes spun. My chair fucking spun. To see an absolute dime of a woman standing behind me. She had legs for days even though she was short, gorgeous black hair, brown almond shaped eyes and the most gorgeous petite body type. She had a silk robe that matched mine, except it was blue.

"Oh, yeah. That's me." Somehow found it's way out of my mouth.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kairi. My colors blue and the theme is ocean." She explained to me.

"That's really cool, I've always had a love for the ocean. Although, maybe not City ocean." I babbled.

"I know what you mean. New York is kind of nasty sometimes." She gave me a friendly smile that instantly made me warm towards her.

"So, Kairi, that sounds like a real name." I said trying to keep the conversation going.

"It's actually Japanese for ocean. My parents moved from there when I was two."

"Oh, I really love that!" I expressed.

"They probably wouldn't," she replied with a smirk.

I couldn't stop the chuckle that made its way from my mouth. I think most parents would be upset to have a daughter in this profession.

"So, this is actually kind of insane. I mean, I don't even know what half of this makeup is for." I spoke.

"Oh, they're really cool about that. You only have to use what you want to use. Go as crazy or as tamed as you want with it. They make sure to get everything with your signature color," Kairi explained.

The room started to explode in activity as more women made their way inside. Everyone was nice and introduced themselves one after the other. No one used real names even here in the back. As girls got ready I noticed the color theme was serious. There was a pink girl who had a legally blonde theme, a green girl with an ivy theme, a white girl who had a wedding theme, a purple girl who had a.....purple theme? She just said she loved purple and left it at that. There were twelve of us with all different colors.

I tried to ignore the nervous butterflies as I donned my wig and made myself sparkle. Makeup had never been my strong suit but I made it look decent enough.....I think. If Kairi was to be believed I looked like a sexy night sky.

Time to sparkle.

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