Chapter 18: Butt Munch

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My apartment had a very awkward feel about it at the moment. Jai was standing in a corner doing his best to not look intimidating. Elle and I were both kneeling on the floor next to Kairi who was sitting with water dripping down her.

"There's no need to be ashamed or embarrassed. I'm quite impressed you just took down a hulk of a man twice your size," I told Kairi gently while trying to lighten the mood.

It somewhat did the trick as she let out a noise that was half between a laugh and sob.

"It wasn't him who bruised me. Thank you for trying to protect me, though"

Kairi finally met my eyes, "It wasn't?"

"I promise it wasn't."

She stared at me for a while trying to search for the truth. She must have found it because she slowly looked to the corner before saying a sheepish, "sorry."

"Sorry? I should be trying to recruit you," Jai said in a kind tone.

For some reason his response made my heart swell.

"What just happened?" Elle asked in a timid voice that was very unlike her.

"Look at Stars neck," Kairi told her.

A gasp escaped Elle. I guess it must be looking as rough as it felt. Hopefully I can cover it with makeup before tonight.

"I'm fine, I promise. I've had much worse," I quickly dismissed. "Kairi, what do you need right now?"

"I think....I just want to go home," She said so soft I barely heard it.

"Okay, do you want me to go with you?" I offered.

"I'll take her," Elle volunteered.

I made my way to my dresser and got a sweatshirt. Kairi accepted it and tugged it on before her and Elle headed for the door.

"Text me when you make it home, please. I'm here to listen when you're ready to talk," I told Kairi.

She gave me a simple nod before Elle and her walked out the door.

Jai and I stood awkwardly for a while before I offered to reheat his breakfast. He said no and we both moved to the table to finish our meals. It's very uncomfortable and I don't know how to break the silence.

"Do you....are you going to get revenge on her?" I finally had the courage to ask.

"No, it didn't seem like she was in her right mind. Plus, I can't fault her for trying to protect a friend."

I blew out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding.

"Thank you, Jai. It rea -" a frantic knock at the door interrupted my sentence.

"Evie! Are you in there?!" Eric's voice called through the door.

I let out a groan and slumped in my seat.

"Let your hair down and bring it in front of your neck. I really don't feel like getting attacked twice in one day," Jai said as he stood and headed for the door.

I did what he asked.

"Evie, thank god!" Eric hollered as he shouldered past Jai and ran over to me. "I thought you were getting murdered up here from all the yelling and banging. I was just sitting in my apartment and it was terrifying!"

"Everything's fine. She's just kinky, right Evie?" Jai asked with a smirk.

My cheeks instantly flamed red. I don't know why I tried to use that as an excuse this morning.

"She's....? Oh," Eric's eyes widened. "Right, yeah. Well, since you're okay I'll"

Eric hightailed it out of my apartment. The second the door clicked behind him Jai burst into laughter.

"Oh, that was good. God, maybe he'll take the hint now," Jai said.

"What hint?"

"That you're miles out of his league," He said like it was obvious.

It was my turn to laugh, "Right, sure. I'm the one out of his league."

"You don't think you're out of his league?"

"I don't think I'm even on the same field, you doofus."

"The same field? What kind of bullshit are you spewing?" Jai said with real curiosity.

"He's normal and nice and good. I'm not meant for any of that."

"Why the hell not?"

"I've got some pretty hefty baggage."

"So why is he out of your league because he's weak? You just have to find someone strong enough to carry it," Jai said as he crossed his arms and puffed out his chest.

Another laugh escaped from me.

"God, aren't you supposed to be a scary gangster? Why do you give off such golden retriever vibes?" I teased.

Jai plopped back into his seat with a pout, "Golden retrievers are the best breed. What's wrong with that?"

"You're right, I'm sorry. Who's a good boy? Want a treat?" I said in a baby voice while I waved bacon at his face.

"How dare you," he said with playful indignation. "Of course I want a treat."

Jai snatched the bacon out of my hand and shoved it in his mouth.

"Hey, wait! That was mine you butt munch!"

"Butt munch?! Oh you'll pay for that," Jai said with a grin.

He jumped up from his chair and ran to my side. Before I could react he threw over his shoulder.

"Jai! What are you doing?" I squealed.

"Getting pay back," he replied as he chucked me on my bed.

Before I could even move he pounced on top of me and began to tickle.

"Jai!! Nooooo," I tried to gasp in between laughs.

I was fighting with all my might to squirm away but he easily held me hostage.

"Take it back," he demanded.

"I take it back! I take it back! You're not a butt munch," I hollered breathlessly.

Suddenly the tickling halted. Jai was leaning over me. His hands were on either side of my head. My hands were fisted around his shirt at his chest. He looked down at me with a victorious grin plastered on his face. I could not allow that.

"You're actually a douchedick."

Jai let out an exaggerated gasp, "How dare you call me something so weirdly funny. I can't even be mad at that."

"It's a good one, right?" I replied playfully.

"Yeah, it's a good one," his voice was suddenly getting quiet.

Jai's beautiful green eyes  moved down to my lips. My breath hitched. He moved slowly, as if he wanted me to have time to tell him to stop. I didn't.

Then, his lips were on mine.

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