Chapter 41: Life or Death

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There was a voice of reason somewhere in the back of my mind telling me what a horrible, horrible idea this was. Jai's lips against mine spoke much louder. My hand around his waist fisted the back of his sweatshirt and tugged him inside my apartment. Jai seemed to get the hint as he stepped us forward, lips never separating, and kicked the door shut behind him.

The softness of his lips and strokes of his tongue contradicted with the iron grip around my waist. Jai's hand tangled in my hair gave a tug that sent a gasp of pleasure flying from my mouth. When he began to trail love bites and kisses down my neck his name passed my lips in something half prayer, half moan.

"Oh, Evelyn," Jai groaned in response.

His lips were back on mine. I hadn't realized he'd been moving us until the back of my legs hit the bed. Jai gently lifted me onto the center of it and hovered over me. I tossed his glasses somewhere to the side.

"I need you, Evelyn. Whatever you're willing to give I'll take."

I can't breathe. Holy shit it's hot in here.

"Jai I - oh," my sentence stopped when Jai's hand gripped the back of my thigh and maneuvered it around his hip.

"Tell me what I can have, Evelyn." He ground his hips against my core.

"Oh god, I - it's not a good idea," I tried to voice.

"I know you want it, Evelyn," His voice was deep and husky.

Before I could give an answer Jai was kissing me again. I wrapped my other leg around his hips and locked my ankles behind his back because he was right. I wanted it, I really fucking wanted it. Both of my arms wrapped around his shoulders; one hand tangling in his hair, the other gripping the back of his sweatshirt with all my strength.

Jai was holding himself up on one forearm while his other hand was ever so gently cupping the back of my head. Jai took my bottom lip between his teeth and sucked. I let out a moan and bucked my hips against his. I tugged on his hair so that I could kiss his neck the same way he did to me.

"Fuck, Evelyn," he gasped.

Oh, god. I'm going fucking crazy. It's the only explanation. Why else am I tugging his sweatshirt over his head. It got caught, but once Jai realized my intentions he quickly leaned back on his knees and ripped it off himself. I took in his muscled and tattooed chest.

Before I could think I pulled Jai down and rolled us over so I was on top, straddling him. Thankfully my hair was already up in a messy bun so it didn't get in the way as I kissed along his jaw, down his neck, and onto his chest. Jai's chest was heaving with deep breaths as I worked.

I was making my way back up to his lips when I felt vibrating against my thigh. Jai quickly yanked his phone from his pocket, clicked the side button, and chucked it to the side, somewhere near his glasses. I didn't hesitate any further before crashing my lips back onto his.

My elbows were resting on the bed on either side of Jai's face. He was resting one hand on my thigh and the other was gripping my hip. Our lips moved in perfect sync as if we'd been doing this for months.

The vibrating started again. I let out a fuck before blindly reaching out and clicking the side button this time. I felt Jai smile against my lips.

"It's not funny," I whispered, our mouths brushing with each word.

"Mmm, not at all," he whispered back before flipping us over so he was on top once again.

A squeal left me as we moved. I couldn't stop the giggle that escaped right after. Jai pulled back just far enough for me to see the smile plastered on his face. The next second our lips were back together. One second after that, the phone was vibrating.

"Dear god," I groaned as Jai reached for it.

"I swear Frank, this better be life or fucking death," Jai said into the phone.

His words may have been scary, but the smile on his face made it seem much less threatening. Until the smile dropped.

"What?" Jai asked, looking shell shocked.

My brows furrowed in worry.

"Okay, I'll be right there," Jai said, pushing away from me.

"This feels like deja vu," I tried to joke once he hung up the phone.

Jai looked at me with what could only be described as despair. He swallowed hard before he spoke.

"Jason picked Jax up for a ride. Jason was drinking and -" Jai's voice broke.

I was out of the bed in a heartbeat. Dread filled my veins.

"Let's go," I said grabbing his hand.

Jai looked ready to crack as I grabbed his sweatshirt and helped him tug it over his head. After that I gripped his hand and pulled him out my door behind me.

"Are one of your men coming to pick you up?" I asked.

"I - I don't know. It's - they're at the - Jax is....." Jai trailed off.

I took his phone that was still gripped tightly in his hand. I called back the last number.

"Boss?" A voice answered.

"Frank, right? I'm going to give you an address. Send whoever's closest to pick us up," I commanded.

Thankfully Frank didn't question me. He said he'd have someone there in five minutes. Jai remained in a daze as I tugged him down the stairs. By the time we made it to the street a car was pulling up. I saw the sword tattoo on the drivers neck that had flowers along the hilt, the gladiolus gang symbol. I opened the back door and guided Jai into the seat before climbing in after him.

"Do you know where we're going?" I asked the driver.

He said nothing but gave a sharp nod of his head.

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