Chapter 8: Mornings

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So it turned out I was spending the night in Jai's room, with him. He had casually disappeared into the bathroom before coming out in nothing but boxers and removing all the ice from me. It was an effort not to drool over his figure. His arms and legs were muscled to perfection and his torso was built like a tree trunk. He didn't have defined abs but his stomach was flat with what looked like the perfect amount of cushion for pushin.

Jai had tucked himself in on the other side of the bed and snuggled up. I didn't have the balls to ask if I could have my own room. Okay, that might be a lie. I hadn't slept next to a man in years and the heat radiating under the covers was very pleasant. Plus, he had so casually climbed into bed with me that he made it seem normal. I had just wanted to sleep so that's what I did.

It was a little surprising to wake up with a furnace at my back. It was a nice surprise though. There was definitely no escaping with his huge arm thrown over my waist and curved so his hand rested on my chest. He also had a large leg wrapped around one of mine.

I tried to wiggle around but that only caused his grip to tighten.

"Five more minutes," he grumbled into my hair.

I couldn't stop the giggle that left my lips. His morning voice was gravelly and grumpy. I complied and snuggled back into his warmth. I know not many men are okay with having a significant other who strips. I had learned the hard way that it could change a guys whole perspective of you. I'd long since decided I wouldn't get involved with anyone until my debts were paid and I was stable. So I wanted to soak up this pleasant feeling while I had the chance.

I must have drifted back to sleep because I jerked awake when I heard a phone buzzing. Jai grumbled before he turned over enough to grab his phone. What took me by surprise was him tugging me with him so that he was now lying on his back and my chest was half on top of his.

"What?" He snapped into the phone.

I heard muttering on the other side but couldn't make out what was being said.

"Listen, Jason, it's too early to listen to your bullshit excuses. I'll see you and Jax at the meeting later," he had a furious tone before he clicked end call and tossed his phone to the other side of the bed.

"The J brothers, I just got it," my sleep addled mind said.

Jai's face relaxed it's scowl, "Jai, Jason, and Jax. Yeah."

"Clever," I mumbled before yawning.

I got a little hum of agreement. Neither of us wanted to move but eventually Jai got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. After a couple minutes he came back to scoop me out of bed. I tried to tell him he didn't have to carry me everywhere but he just let out a little grunt before setting me on my feet in front of the bathroom sink.

I noticed he had pulled out an extra toothbrush. How sweet. I used that and tried to make myself look somewhat presentable before hobbling back into the bedroom.

"You and Anne looked to be about the same size so I had her bring some clothes for you to travel home in," Jai told me as he handed them to me.

I looked to see a pair of leggings, a sweatshirt, some nice flats, and a bra small enough that I was going to fall out of it.

"Um, would it be okay if I borrowed a sweatshirt from you instead?"

Jai easily answered with a sure. He made his way into the walk in closet to grab me one while I started to strip. There was no underwear, and I don't think I'd want to borrow a pair anyway. I'll just go commando with the leggings. Jai's sweatshirt will be baggy enough that it'll be barely noticeable if I skip a bra. I'd prefer that to wearing a too tight, too small one anyway.

I sat on the edge of the bed as I began to pull the leggings up.

"Here," Jai thrust a sweatshirt towards me while staring away.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, why would something be wrong?"

"Well, you're standing as far away from me as possible and avoiding looking at me."

"You're naked," he made it sound like that was an obvious answer.

"I was naked all day yesterday."

Jai just shrugged before holding out the sweatshirt again. I took it and tugged it over my body. That was kind of weird. I stood and pulled the leggings up the rest of the way. I was about to reach for the shoes when Jai beat me to it.

"Sit," he commanded.

I don't know why I kept obeying him without thought. Nonetheless, I sat. Jai gently slid the flats on me before standing and lifting me in his arms.

"You gotta be careful you know. You keep carrying me everywhere and soon I'll be refusing to walk," I said teasingly.

"Guess I better start lifting extra weights," he replied easily with a soft smile.

Jai carried me down some stairs and through enough halls that I lost track. Eventually we ended up in a fucking gorgeous kitchen. There was an island in the middle that he easily sat me down at. He asked how I liked my coffee and eggs and then he started moving about the kitchen like a professional. I just watched, amazed. In between his flurry of movements he had made time to set up a chair with a pillow on it for my left foot to rest. He even brought over ice to set on it.

I wasn't a bad cook, but I certainly wasn't a good one either. Watching Jai move was extraordinary. Especially when he looked so drool worthy doing it. I could practically imagine him in those sweatpants and T-shirt moving about my ratty apartment. I could imagine him in my kitchen. Hell, I could imagine him in my bedroom.

Suddenly my imagining was interrupted by none other than Jason stalking into the kitchen.

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