Chapter 9: Good Example

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"Out," Jai barked at his brother.

Jason's eyes looked over to me. I instantly curved my shoulders in and looked down. Without the silver hair and makeup maybe he wouldn't recognize me. My crazy curly hair fell over my face.

"I'm just grabbing some food, I'm sure your guest won't mind my presence for five minutes," Jason snapped at his brother.

Good, he must not recognize me. At least until he walked around the island and noticed my leg resting with ice on it. Suddenly his whole body tensed.

"You're the dancer."

My hands began to shake so I started to fiddle with my fingers to hide the motion. I kept my head down and tried to figure out what the fuck I was supposed to say.

"I said, out," Jai answered for me in a cold tone.

Thankfully Jason listened this time. Jai walked over to my side and gently grabbed my hands in his.

"You're shaking."

"It's cold," I quickly lied.


Not having an answer I just shrugged. Jai let out a little sigh before releasing my hands and returning to his cooking. Soon a plate with the most delicious looking omelette sat in front of me.

"Thanks," I said weakly.

The nerves of seeing Jason had made my appetite nonexistent. I couldn't not eat this delicious creation. I forced a couple of bites into my mouth and by the end of the omelet my shaking had stopped and my eating was enthusiastic.

"You could be a professional chef," I told Jai around my last bite of food.

He didn't reply with words, but a sweet little shy smile took over his face. God, how can a man be both sexy and adorable.

"Starlight! How are you doing?"

I turned around to see little Jax walking into the kitchen. I suppose I shouldn't say little since he was at least six feet. He just had that awkward, gangly teen vibe about him.

"I'm good, thank you for being so kind last night."

"Oh wow, you should dance with this hair! It's even better than the silver," he said as he reached out and began tugging on my curls.

I couldn't help the little laugh that escaped me.

"Don't touch her without permission," Jai scolded.

Jax instantly yanked his hand away like he'd been burned.

"It's okay, I like having my hair played with. Plus, he's one to talk. He keeps snatching me up without warning," I stuck my tongue out playfully at Jai.

Jax moved behind me and went back to playing with my curls. A sort of comfortable silence settled around the three of us as Jai finished his food. When he was done he took my dishes and his. I tried to volunteer to wash them but he quickly told me no. When I tried to stand and do them anyway Jax had gently grabbed my shoulders and kept me sitting.

"You ready to head home?" Jai asked.

I gave him a nod and reached over to remove the ice and swing my feet to the ground.

"Wait, I'll - is it okay if I lift you?" Jai questioned.

A smile found its way to my face as I realized he was trying to set a good example for his little brother. I gave him a nod. Jax trailed behind us as Jai carried me to the entrance. Waiting there was Doctor Anne with a brace and crutches. She greeted me with a kind smile. She showed me how to properly wear the brace and then helped adjust the crutches to the right height.

I thanked her profusely before hobbling my way out the door. Something I hadn't noticed in the dark the night before was the stone ramp to the side of the stone stairs. I took the ramp down and waited for Jai. Soon he drove up in the same car we rode in last night.

"You can't drive that," I said as soon as the passenger door opened up.

"I haven't had anything to drink in almost twelve hours," he answered defiantly.

"No, I mean you're going to get robbed," I tried to explain.

"Who the hell would rob me?"

"No one would knowingly rob you, but if you drive that to my apartment you're going to get shanked. I've watched someone get almost murdered for a Honda Accord before."

Suddenly Jai's eyes widened, "Where the hell do you live?"

I gave him my address and he suddenly looked pissed. I knew it was part of the Gladiolus's turf so I don't know why he's angry I stay in his area.

"You live alone there?"

"I - well, yeah," I said not sure if I should admit that.

Jai seemed moody the entire forty five minute drive to the Magnolia club. There was an uncomfortable weight around us that was filled with silence. When we arrived at the club he walked with me and unlocked the doors so I could grab my phone, clothes, and purse I'd left behind. Soon we were back in the car.

The tense silence was driving me absolutely crazy so when a song I liked came on the radio I cranked it up and sang at the top of my lungs. Not only was it fun as hell, it also seemed to help Jai. He looked more relaxed and had the slightest smile on his face. By the time we pulled in front of my apartment I had even got a chuckle out of him with my antics. I count that as a win.

"Thank you so much for everything," I said sincerely.

"Of course, it was the least I could do."

I gathered my things and stepped out of the car only to realized Jai had gotten out of the car and was standing in front of me. He took the purse off my shoulders and looked like he was ready to walk me to my door.

"You can't leave this car alone."

"Don't worry about it. I texted some friends before we left. No one's touching my stuff," he easily explained.

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