Chapter 14: Damsel In Distress

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"You! You fucking rat," I seethed at Jai.

His posture immediately changed. He went from causally leaning to standing up straight with his hands in front of him like I had a gun aimed at his chest.

"Woah, woah, wait. What the hell did I do?" His usually calm voice was gone.

"You fucking tattled on me to Dave! Now I'm out of a damn job."

"He fired you?!"

"No, but I can't dance for the next six weeks," my voice was starting to go from angry to dejected.

"You're not supposed to be anyway so what's the problem?" Jai's eyes were searching my face as if he could find an answer there.

"The problem is.......nothing. There's no problem. I've got to go," I turned away from him because I felt a sudden urge to cry.

"Come on Evelyn let me ju- is that my sweatshirt?"

I stiffened. I looked down before I felt heat rush to my cheeks in embarrassment. I had washed the sweatshirt and planned to return it. Then, I figured I would never have cause to talk to him again. So I decided it was mine now.

"Maybe," I said still facing away from him.

"It looks better on you than me anyway," he said softly from right behind me. "Will you please tell me why you're so mad? I don't like getting yelled at."

I blew out a breath, "I'm sorry. It wasn't right of me to take out my anger on you. You were only trying to look out for my well being."

Jai walked around so he was in front of me now. Very close in front of me. He hooked his pointer finger before placing it under my chin so he could gently lift my face up.

"I forgive you. I'm sorry I didn't ask you why you were back to work before yelling at Dave. I just assumed he was making you dance knowing you were injured and I got angry." Jai's voice was sinfully sweet and quiet.

"It's okay," my voice sounded breathless to my own ears.

"Good, then can I pick you up? I'm taking you home."

"Do you have a thing for damsels in distress? Is that why you're always trying to carry me?" How does he bring out my playful side so easily?

"No, I think I just have a thing for one damsel who happens to be in distress every time I see her."

If I thought my cheeks were warm from embarrassment before then they were on fucking fire now.

"I actually have somewhere I have to be. Thank you for the offer though. I appreciate it, really appreciate it." I was talking too fast.

"I'll drop you off where you have to go then," he had that cute little smile on his face.

"No, it's okay. It's a good night for a walk."

The smile fell, "A good night for a walk? On a sprained ankle? You'd rather limp home than get in my car? I've only had a half drink tonight, I promise. You can even drive if it makes you more comfortable."

The thoughtfulness in that statement made me want to fucking swoon. Why was I such a shit liar?

"It's not that, I just have someplace to be and I'd rather go alone, you know?"

"Have I done something wrong? Or made you uncomfortable?" Jai asked with true concern in his voice.

"No, it's nothing you've done, I promise. I just......I'd love a ride," I finally said.

If I tell him I'm going to a different strip club he might try to stop me. If he stops me then I'm really fucked. If I miss one night it will be okay. I've been spoiling myself with good groceries lately. It's not like I've never ate frugally or gone a month without electricity before. I'll make it work, I'll figure it out. It is August after all so if I have to go no electricity, next month would be the one to do it for. I won't need the AC and the nights might get a little cold but if I bundle I could get away with not turning on the heat, too.

"Are you sure? I don't mean to pressure you into anything. I just want to understand," Jai's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sure. I was going to make a pit stop but I'm tired and I hurt. I think home sounds nice right about now."

I reached my arms up and Jai instantly bent down to scoop me into his arms. He didn't say anything else until we got to his car.

"Did you want to drive?"

"No, I trust you. If you say you only had half a drink then I believe you," I answered truthfully.

For some reason that made the corner of Jai's lips tug up. He carried me around to the passenger seat and set me down on my feet. I slid into the fancy ass car and buckled up. Then, we were off.

"If you want to talk about it, I'll listen," Jai said suddenly halfway through our drive.

"Hmm? Oh, thank you," I had been zoning out.

When we made it to my apartment building Jai didn't hesitate to step out of the car and walk to my side.

"Maybe we can try a piggy back this time?" He suggested.

I smiled and nodded. I slung my bag onto my shoulder while he crouched in front of me. I hopped as best as I could, which wasn't much. He looped his hands under my thighs and easily hiked me up the rest of the way. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and rested my head on my own arm.

I'm so tired. So, so tired. I just want to sleep for the rest of my life. Why does everything have to turn to shit so fast?

Faster than I wanted we were at my door. Jai slowly slid me down his back. I unlocked my door but I hesitated to open it. You should never make decisions after ten p.m.

"Do you want to stay the night?" Came out of my mouth before I could heed my own advice.

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